Above example sentences

Related (9): over, beyond, higher, superior, atop, transcending, surpassing, overhead, elevated

"Above" Example Sentences

1. The birds flew above our heads.
2. The cliff towered above us.
3. Please sign your name above the line.
4. The ugly graffiti marred the wall above the bench.
5. The arrow missed the target and flew above it.
6. The kite soared above the trees.
7. The aircraft disappeared above the clouds.
8. The light switch is located above the door.
9. The bulb needs replacing above the stove.
10. The overflow drain pipe extends above ground level.
11. The shelf above the mantle is too high to reach.
12. The balloon rose slowly above the crowd.
13. The bills above the sink are still unpaid.
14. The map is pasted above my desk.
15. The issue above all others concerns me.
16. All of this pales in comparison to the challenges above.
17. The fireworks exploded above the stadium.
18. The moon shone bright above the lake.
19. The clouds moved slowly above the mountains.
20. The steeple towered above the church roof.
21. The apartment above ours is vacant.
22. The hats are stored above the hooks.
23. The shelves above the refrigerator are out of reach.
24. The owl hooted from the branch above.
25. The window frame above the door needs painting.
26. Addresses should be written above names on envelopes.
27. The campsite sat high above the valley floor.
28. The temperature fell below freezing but remained above zero.
29. She scored above average on the test.
30. The creek snaked its way through the valley high above.
31. The noise from above grew louder.
32. The skylight allowed sunlight in from above.
33. Please refer to the instructions above.
34. The ranking above all others is in dispute.
35. I apologize for my behavior mentioned above.
36. The source of the odor could not be pinpointed from above.
37. The birds flew away shrieking when we approached from above.
38. The stereo sat atop the cabinet immediately above.
39. See the information printed above.
40. Items are listed in descending order from above.
41. The balcony offered views of the courtyard below and above.
42. I can hear sounds emanating from above.
43. The meadow opens up from the path above.
44. The trapdoor led up to the storage space above.
45. The branches reached out from the tree above.
46. The detective inspected the scene from above.
47. The windowpane above the couch is cracked.
48. Nothing extraordinary appeared from above.
49. Speakers blared music from above.
50. The noise above had finally stopped.
51. The sofa sits below the window from above.
52. Smoke began to rise up through the ceiling from above.
53. Creaking sounds came periodically from above.
54. The room above remained silent all morning.
55. Shadows moved across the wall from above.
56. The upper shelves housed items that had not been used in years.
57. The attic door was located above the closet.
58. The basement apartment sat below the house from above.
59. The skylight above the stairs provided natural light.
60. The animals looked small from high above.

Common Phases

1. Above all else
2. As stated above
3. From the example above
4. As mentioned above
5. As indicated above
6. Referring to the diagram above
7. As per the instructions above
8. In light of the information above
9. In line with what was said above
10. According to the section above

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