Abstractionisms example sentences

Related (9): modernism, cubism, surrealism, expressionism, minimalism, neo-plasticism, suprematism, constructivism, futurism

"Abstractionisms" Example Sentences

1. The art exhibit featured several abstractionisms by various artists.
2. Historians debate the origins and meanings of abstractionisms in modern art.
3. Critics praised the painter's use of bold colors and geometric shapes in his abstractionisms.
4. The museum's collection includes several significant abstractionisms from the mid-twentieth century.
5. Some scholars argue that abstractionisms are an inherently Western art form.
6. The artist's latest work signifies a departure from his earlier abstractionisms.
7. Many art students study abstractionisms as part of their coursework.
8. The curator highlighted the diversity of approaches to abstractionisms in the exhibit.
9. Critics have accused some artists of producing meaningless abstractionisms as a way to cash in on the art world.
10. The artist's interest in abstractionisms was evident in the bold use of line and form in her work.
11. The painter experimented with an array of materials to create his unique style of abstractionisms.
12. Many artists drawn to abstractionisms are interested in exploring the relationship between form and emotion.
13. Some scholars argue that abstractionisms are a response to the chaos and uncertainty of modern life.
14. The gallery featured many different abstractionisms, from minimalist compositions to complex collages.
15. Critics have debated the status of abstractionisms within the broader art world.
16. The artist's latest series of abstractionisms is characterized by a subtle exploration of color and texture.
17. The museum is hosting a retrospective of the artist's most important abstractionisms.
18. Students in the art class were tasked with creating their own abstractionisms inspired by the works of famous painters.
19. Some critics view abstractionisms as a way to resist traditional representational art forms.
20. The artist's use of unusual materials in her abstractionisms challenged the viewer's assumptions about what art could be.
21. The gallery owner was hesitant to show the artist's latest abstractionisms, fearing they might not be commercially successful.
22. Critics have accused some artists of using abstractionisms as a way to conceal their lack of technical skill.
23. The museum's collection includes many abstractionisms that reflect the political and social upheavals of their time.
24. The artist's use of negative space in her abstractionisms created a sense of depth and dimensionality.
25. Critics praised the painter's ability to balance form and color in his abstractionisms.
26. Many artists drawn to abstractionisms reject the idea that art should be representational.
27. The artist's interest in abstractionisms was shaped by her study of Eastern philosophy and aesthetics.
28. The gallery's collection features abstractionisms from a wide range of artists and periods.
29. Critics have noted the influence of music and dance on many abstractionisms.
30. The artist's use of unusual brush strokes in her abstractionisms created a sense of movement and dynamism.

Common Phases

1. Simplifying complex concepts;
2. Reducing information to its essential components;
3. Focusing on overarching themes;
4. Ignoring irrelevant details;
5. Extracting patterns and generalizations;
6. Creating a model or framework from data;
7. Generalizing across multiple contexts;
8. Overcoming specific instances through abstraction;
9. Applying a symbolic representation to a problem;
10. Arriving at a higher level of understanding.

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