Abstruse example sentences
Related (8): cryptic, arcane, enigmatic, unfathomable, esoteric, inscrutable, perplexing, obscure
"Abstruse" Example Sentences
1. The professor's lecture was filled with abstruse philosophical concepts that were difficult to understand.
2. The scientist published numerous abstruse papers on quantum mechanics in theoretical physics journals.
3. The author used flowery and abstruse language to convey her abstract ideas and theories.
4. The meaning of the poem was too abstruse and obscure to make much sense of it.
5. I found the financial report filled with abstruse technical jargon that I couldn't comprehend.
6. The mathematician proposed an abstruse theory that only a handful of people in the world could grasp.
7. She wrote a long abstruse novel filled with symbolism and metaphors than few readers actually finished.
8. The instructions for setting up the device were filled with abstruse technical terms and acronyms.
9. We struggled through the abstruse legal document filled with convoluted phrasing and archaic terms.
10. His messages on the message board were often filled with abstruse references that only he seemed to understand.
11. I found the usage instructions for the software to be overly complex and filled with abstruse jargon.
12. The anarchist wrote an abstruse political manifesto outlining his radical views and policies.
13. Critics panned the film as pretentious and filled with abstruse symbolism and obscure references.
14. The website contained abstruse philosophical arguments that took dedicated study to comprehend fully.
15. I struggled to make sense of the abstruse economic theories proposed in the research paper.
16. The theorist published an abstruse treatise espousing a radical new view of history and human nature.
17. The obscure academic journal published only the most abstruse and erudite articles in its field.
18. Ancient religious texts often contain abstruse symbolism, allegories, and allusions that are difficult to interpret accurately.
19. The CEO's vague and abstruse email left employees confused about the company's future direction.
20. The museum's explanatory plaques employed abstruse academic jargon that alienated most visitors.
21. The poet wrote abstruse verses steeped in complex metaphors and symbolic allusions.
22. The voter pamphlet contained dense and abstruse language that made the propositions hard to understand clearly.
23. The abstruse content of the documentary left most viewers perplexed and dissatisfied.
24. The academic journal published abstruse articles riddled with complex terminology and turgid prose.
25. The self-help book was filled with abstruse New Age philosophies and platitudes.
26. The philosopher's abstruse treatise on the nature of being remains influential albeit difficult to comprehend fully.
27. Few readers were able to make sense of the poet's abstruse verses filled with obscure allegories and symbolism.
28. His speech was filled with abstruse language meant more to impress than to inform and persuade.
29. The theologian wrote numerous abstruse articles proposing radically new interpretations of ancient religious texts.
30. The comedy special was praised for making fun of overly abstruse academic jargon and meaningless intellectual debates.
31. I found thenewfiledwithabstruselegaltermsandconditions thatIcouldn'tbebotheredtoreadfully.
32. Critics accused the author of making excessive use of abstruse vocabulary meant more to impress than enlighten readers.
33. The candidate's stump speech was filled with abstruse policy proposals and platitudes that left voters confused.
34. The company's annual report was filled with abstruse financial and legal jargon that obscured more than it revealed.
35. His commentary on current events relied heavily on abstruse historical allusions few readers were likely to grasp fully.
36. The consultant's recommendations were couched in abstruse business jargon that obscured their probable lack of merit.
37. The self-help guru dispensed abstruse New Age advice that provided little practical wisdom for most listeners.
38. Admirers praised the poet's abstruse verses for their lyrical beauty even if their meaning remained obscure.
39. Critics accused the author of using abstruse prose to cloak trivial ideas in an illusion of profundity and significance.
40. The designer created an abstruse ad campaign filled with ambiguous symbols and esoteric cultural references.
41. The novelist wrote abstruse philosophical fiction exploring radical ideas about the nature of consciousness and reality.
42. The mystic wrote only the most abstruse and esoteric treatises expounding his incomprehensible philosophy of spirituality.
43. The statistician published an abstruse study containing complicated equations and graphs that few readers could interpret accurately.
44. His advice column dispensed abstruse New Age wisdom that provided little concrete guidance for most readers.
45. The film employed overly abstruse symbolism and elliptical storytelling techniques that left many viewers perplexed.
46. The minister preached an abstruse sermon filled with convoluted metaphors and labyrinthine theological arguments.
47. I struggled to comprehend the abstruse foreign policy speech filled with vague platitudes and lofty rhetoric.
48. The shrinking violet struggled to defend his abstruse philosophical thesis in front of the skeptical committee.
49. Experts accused the company of purposefully using abstruse technical jargon in its policies to obscure questionable practices.
50. The lawyer meticulously explained the abstruse legal clauses in plain terms the layman client.
51. The blogger's post was filled with overly abstruse vocabulary meant to impress rather than inform or engage readers.
52. The reviewer criticized the book for its dry and abstruse academic prose that would frustrate most general readers.
53. His commentary relied heavily on abstruse insider jargon few readers outside his narrow circle were likely to understand.
54. The scholar published numerous abstruse articles in obtuse academic journals exploring obscure philosophical conundrums.
55. The mathematicians proposed an abstruse proof using complex equations and abstract symbols that only a specialist could validate.
56. The medical journal published only the most abstruse studies using hard-to-follow technical terminology and statistical data.
57. The cab driver patiently explained the overly abstruse directions he had been given to the perplexed passenger.
58. The poet published an abstruse collection of esoteric verses filled with complex symbolism and metaphor.
59. Critics panned the movie as pretentious and filled with abstruse symbolism meant more to impress than move the viewer.
60. Tourists found the museum's explanatory plaque filled with abstruse academic jargon that obscured more than it revealed.
Common Phases
1. Abstruse concepts
2. Abstruse language
3. Abstruse prose
4. Abstruse reasoning
5. Abstruse symbolism
6. Abstruse terminology
7. Abstruse theories
8. Abstruse treatise
9. Abstruse vocabulary
10. Abstruse writing style