Acceptances example sentences

Related (11): approvals, endorsements, acknowledgments, confirmations, consents, permissions, admissions, agreements, authorizations, sanctions, nods

"Acceptances" Example Sentences

1. The university has received a record number of acceptances for the upcoming semester.
2. James received several acceptances from top law schools.
3. We are still waiting for acceptances from several of our invited guests.
4. The art gallery had a successful exhibit with numerous acceptances for the showcased artists.
5. The company had to decline some of the acceptances due to limited capacity.
6. The school board received mixed acceptances for their proposed changes to the curriculum.
7. The competition had strict guidelines for acceptances, resulting in a small pool of qualified applicants.
8. The program only has a limited number of acceptances each year, making it highly competitive.
9. The restaurant received glowing reviews and numerous acceptances for their new menu items.
10. The team was thrilled with their acceptances to the championship tournament.
11. The conference had a high number of international acceptances, showcasing the diversity of attendees.
12. The author had several publishers interested, but ultimately chose the acceptance with the best terms.
13. The museum received a significant number of acceptances for their new exhibit, resulting in increased attendance.
14. The theater festival had a successful season with multiple sold-out shows and high acceptance rates.
15. The scientist's research had multiple acceptances for publication in respected journals.
16. The grant program had a rigorous application process, resulting in high-quality acceptances.
17. The art competition had strict criteria for acceptance, resulting in a small but impressive selection of pieces.
18. The music festival had a range of genres represented in its acceptances, appealing to diverse audiences.
19. The scholarship program had a high acceptance rate, benefiting a wide range of deserving students.
20. The athletic department had a successful recruiting season with multiple acceptances from top prospects.
21. The film festival had an impressive lineup of screenings, with acceptances from acclaimed filmmakers.
22. The academic conference had keynote speakers with acceptances from prestigious universities.
23. The design competition had multiple categories with impressive acceptances across the board.
24. The internship program had a competitive acceptance process, resulting in highly motivated candidates.
25. The literary magazine had numerous acceptances for poetry and short stories.
26. The tech startup received multiple acceptances from investors, allowing for significant growth.
27. The summer camp had a mix of returning and new campers with high acceptance rates.
28. The medical school had impressive acceptance rates, attracting top candidates from around the world.
29. The fashion design competition had high-fashion acceptances with avant-garde designs.
30. The engineering program had high acceptance rates and impressive job placement post-graduation.

Common Phases

1. I accept your apology;
2. We accept your offer;
3. The committee has accepted your proposal;
4. The company has accepted your job application;
5. She accepted his proposal of marriage;
6. The school has accepted your enrollment;
7. They accepted the challenge;
8. The team accepted the win graciously;
9. He accepted full responsibility for the mistake;
10. The judge accepted the plea bargain.

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