Accursedthe example sentences

Related (4): accursed, cursed, hexed, jinxed

"Accursedthe" Example Sentences

1. The villagers believed that the accursedthe spirit was responsible for their misfortunes.
2. The accursedthe curse that was placed on the kingdom brought about its downfall.
3. The accursedthe witch was banished from the village for her evil deeds.
4. The accursedthe demon was summoned by the dark sorcerer to do his bidding.
5. The accursedthe creature lurked in the shadows, waiting to prey on unsuspecting victims.
6. The accursedthe plague swept through the town, leaving death and destruction in its wake.
7. The victim's family blamed the accursedthe murderer for their loved one's untimely death.
8. The accursedthe spider made its home in the dark corners of the attic.
9. The accursedthe vampire drank the blood of innocent victims to sustain its immortal existence.
10. The accursedthe dragon terrorized the kingdom, burning everything in its path.
11. The accursedthe disease claimed the lives of thousands of people before a cure was found.
12. The accursedthe ghost haunted the old mansion, scaring away anyone who dared to enter.
13. The accursedthe werewolf roamed the forest at night, preying on animals and humans alike.
14. The accursedthe demon possessed the young girl, causing her to behave in bizarre ways.
15. The accursedthe goblin stole away children in the night, taking them to its lair in the forest.
16. The accursedthe wizard cast a spell on the prince, causing him to fall into a deep sleep.
17. The accursedthe witch's potion made the young man fall madly in love with her.
18. The accursedthe mummy's curse caused anyone who disturbed its tomb to suffer a terrible fate.
19. The accursedthe zombified corpses roamed the streets, seeking flesh to feed upon.
20. The accursedthe evil spirit possessed the house, causing lights to flicker and doors to slam shut.
21. The accursedthe banshee's wail filled the air, foretelling of death and destruction to come.
22. The accursedthe demon's fiery breath burned everything in its path.
23. The accursedthe ghoul dug up graves to feast on the remains of the dead.
24. The accursedthe warlock's spell caused the river to run dry, leaving the crops to wither and die.
25. The accursedthe poltergeist haunted the family, causing objects to fly off shelves and crash to the ground.
26. The accursedthe minotaur roamed the labyrinth, waiting to ambush anyone who entered.
27. The accursedthe succubus seduced men in their dreams, draining their life force in the process.
28. The accursedthe demon possessed the doll, causing it to come to life and wreak havoc on its owners.
29. The accursedthe evil eye brought bad luck and misfortune to anyone who fell under its gaze.
30. The accursedthe mermaid lured sailors to their doom with her enchanting song.

Common Phases

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