"Acronym" Example Sentences
1. The acronym RADAR stands for Radio Detection And Ranging.
2. LASER is an acronym that stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
3. The acronym NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
4. The acronym NAFTA stands for North American Free Trade Agreement.
5. OSHA is the acronym for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
6. The military has many acronyms such as AWOL for Absent Without Leave.
7. UNICEF is an acronym for United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.
8. ASAP is a common acronym that means As Soon As Possible.
9. The acronym HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
10. AIDS is the acronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
11. FBI is the commonly used acronym for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
12. The acronym SCUBA stands for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.
13. ASAP is an example of an overused acronym in business communication.
14. GPS is an acronym for Global Positioning System.
15. The government has many acronyms that are hard to remember.
16. The acronym LOL stands for Laughing Out Loud.
17. Acronyms are commonly used in medicine like the acronym UTI for Urinary Tract Infection.
18. The acronym RAM stands for Random Access Memory.
19. The acronym FDA stands for Food and Drug Administration.
20. PIN is a common acronym used for Personal Identification Number.
21. Many organizations create their own acronyms for branding and recognition.
22. LASIK is the acronym for Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis, an eye surgery procedure.
23. Acronyms save time in communication but can make longer explanations hard to understand.
24. The acronym FYI stands for For Your Information.
25. ROFL is an acronym that stands for Rolling On the Floor Laughing.
26. The acronym RADS stands for Reactive Airway Dysfunction Syndrome.
27. Acronyms are used extensively in the military to facilitate quick communication.
28. The military uses many acronyms like DI for Drill Instructor.
29. Digital marketers create many acronyms for different marketing techniques.
30. LED is an acronym that stands for Light Emitting Diode.
31. Acronyms help save space when writing headers and captions.
32. LOL is a commonly misused acronym that now means something more generic than laughing.
33. Weather forecasters use many acronyms like HPA for High Pressure Area.
34. The acronym HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
35. Acronyms are used extensively in programming like HTML and CSS.
36. Acronyms should be fully spelled out the first time they are used.
37. The acronym TMI stands for Too Much Information.
38. The acronym CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.
39. The acronym MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.
40. The acronym ETA stands for Estimated Time of Arrival.
41. Acronyms help create an insider language for any organization or group.
42. The acronym WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get.
43. Acronyms help minimize jargon and technical terms in communication.
44. The acronym ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization.
45. The multitude of government acronyms makes legislation hard to understand for citizens.
46. Acronyms reduce cognitive load when they become commonly used and understood.
47. The acronym DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disc.
48. LAN is an acronym that stands for Local Area Network.
49. URL is an acronym that stands for Uniform Resource Locator.
50. Acronyms should be used sparingly to improve readability and understanding.
51. The acronym SCSI stands for Small Computer System Interface.
52. Acronyms are commonly found in business, military, government and science.
53. The acronym SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer.
54. Avoid using too many acronyms in public communication to be more understandable.
55. USB is an acronym that stands for Universal Serial Bus.
56. MIS is an acronym that stands for Management Information System.
57. The acronym GUI stands for Graphical User Interface.
58. The acronym JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.
59. The acronym LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
60. RADS is an acronym for Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome.
Common Phases
Acronyms abound in (field of study/industry)
2. (Organization) uses many
acronyms internally
3. The plethora of
acronyms makes the (text/speech) hard to follow.
Acronyms help save time in spoken and written communication.
5. The proliferation of
acronyms can hinder understanding.
6. Spell out
acronyms the first time they are used to aid comprehension.
Acronyms should be used judiciously to aid, not impede, communication.
Acronyms have become part of the lexicon in many domains.
9. The abundance of
acronyms makes the (field of study/industry) seem impenetrable to newcomers.
Acronyms, when overused, can become an obstacle rather than an aid.