Across example sentences

Related (7): across, beyond, through, over, around, amidst, athwart

"Across" Example Sentences

1. The bridge spanned the river across the valley.
2. The ball rolled across the floor and under the sofa.
3. The train moved swiftly across the tracks.
4. The bird flew rapidly across the sky.
5. The wind blew leaves across the yard.
6. The painting hung across from the sofa.
7. We shouted to each other across the field.
8. The judge banged her gavel across the courtroom.
9. The train whistle echoed across the countryside.
10. The light shone brightly across the room.
11. The city stretches across the plains.
12. The woman walked hastily across the street.
13. The cat wandered lazily across the lawn.
14. The child reached across the table for the cookie jar.
15. Smoke billowed across the battlefield.
16. The dog raced gleefully across the field.
17. Traffic crawled slowly across the bridge.
18. The ball sailed majestically across the pond.
19. Beams of sunlight streamed across the floor.
20. Stars twinkled merrily across the night sky.
21. The search party trekked tiredly across the desert.
22. Waves crashed noisily across the rocky shore.
23. The hawk flew swiftly across the valley.
24. The view stretched endlessly across the mountains.
25. The woman spread her arms wide across the piano keys.
26. Runners dashed energetically across the finish line.
27. The general marched confidently across the battlefield.
28. Light from the window spilled across the bedroom.
29. He tossed the football casually across the yard.
30. The paper airplane glided gracefully across the room.
31. The moth flitted nervously across the lamp.
32. She sidled coyly across the dance floor.
33. The foul line was marked clearly across the court.
34. The storm roared menacingly across the countryside.
35. We walked blithely across the meadow.
36. The guitar notes rang out clearly across the theater.
37. Ninjas leapt stealthily across the rooftops.
38. The paper lay spread out messily across the desk.
39. The expansion bridge will connect the city across the bay.
40. They glanced furtively across the room at each other.
41. The tightrope walker balanced precariously across the wire.
42. The soldiers marched swiftly across the battlefield.
43. The hammer landed violently across his fingers.
44. The hunter stalked silently across the forest.
45. The kite flew merrily across the park.
46. The cow jumped lazily across the pasture.
47. The road winded Its way scenically across the mountainside.
48. The dog trotted contentedly across the yard.
49. The boats floated placidly across the harbor.
50. She reached eagerly across the table.
51. The blanket was stretched tautly across the bed.
52. The crowd cheered loudly across the stadium.
53. The lake stretched tranquilly across the horizon.
54. The children played happily across the lawn.
55. The trout swam gracefully across the stream.
56. The family looked lovingly across at each other.
57. The expedition hiked resolutely across the desert.
58. The meadow stretched peacefully across the valley.
59. The climber scaled precariously across the face of the cliff.
60. Monkeys swung nimbly across the treetops.

Common Phases

1. The ball rolled across the floor.
2. The cat jumped across the fence.
3. We drove across the state to visit family.
4. The river flowed across the landscape.
5. The bridge spanned across the river.
6. The woman glanced across the room.
7. The birds flew across the sky.
8. The mountains stretched across the horizon.
9. The sun was shining across the field.
10. The lights twinkled across the city.
11. We communicated across oceans with video chat.
12. The treaty signed across nations.
13. People lined up across the street.
14. The view extended across the valley.
15. News of the disaster spread across the country.
16. The electric cable ran across the garden.
17. Messages flashed across the screen.
18. Fingerprints were found across the handle.
19. They glanced at each other across the table.
20. The dog ran across the yard chasing a squirrel.
21. The submarine disappeared across the horizon.
22. Tensions are rising across Europe.
23. The troops marched across the border.
24. The front page news spread across the globe.
25. The wind blew leaves across the lawn.
26. Patches of wildflowers grew across the field.
27. Ideas spread rapidly across social media.
28. The package arrived safely across the ocean.
29. The astronauts journeyed across interstellar space.
30. The storm clouds gathered across the sky.
31. The general led his troops across enemy lines.
32. The scent of flowers lingered across the garden.
33. Kids were playing across the neighborhood.
34. Prices vary widely across different stores.
35. The lovers smiled at each other across the dance floor.
36. The laser beam shot across the room.
37. Problems persist across socioeconomic lines.
38. The bounty hunt continued across galaxies.
39. The expedition traveled across rough terrain.
40. They hugged each other across the aisle.
41. The stakes are high across industries.
42. Anger flared up across social media.
43. The train rolled steadily across the countryside.
44. Ideas and inspiration spread across generations.
45. The teacher's voice carried clearly across the classroom.
46. The shadow moved slowly across the ground.
47. Votes were counted across precincts.
48. The hunters tracked the deer across the forest.
49. Soldiers ran to take cover across the battlefield.
50. The teacher wrote notes across the whiteboard.
51. Developments emerged across industries.
52. Opinions differed greatly across party lines.
53. The smell of pie wafted across the kitchen.
54. Dancers twirled gracefully across the stage.
55. The vaccine will be distributed across the state.
56. Competitors raced across numerous challenges.
57. The beam of light swept slowly across the far wall.
58. Flames spread rapidly across the dry field.
59. Complaints poured in from across the country.
60. Information was shared freely across cultures.

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