Adrenalines example sentences

Related (10): excitement, rush, energy, stimulation, thrill, frenzy, exhilaration, agitation, intensity, buzz

"Adrenalines" Example Sentences

1. The rush of adrenalines made him feel alive.
2. Surfers often chase the feeling of adrenalines.
3. Adrenalines can cause the fight or flight response.
4. He was addicted to the rush of adrenalines in extreme sports.
5. The sound of the crowd sent adrenalines pumping through her veins.
6. Adrenalines made her heart race as she approached the finish line.
7. The horror movie triggered a surge of adrenalines.
8. Adrenalines can mask feelings of pain and exhaustion.
9. Some people are born with a higher tolerance for adrenalines.
10. The rush of adrenalines can cause temporary changes in perception and behavior.
11. A near-death experience can trigger an immense release of adrenalines.
12. Doctors often administer epinephrine, a synthetic form of adrenalines.
13. Adrenalines can also be triggered by positive events, such as falling in love.
14. The sensation of jumping out of an airplane can be described as an adrenaline rush.
15. Adrenalines can help increase focus and alertness.
16. He felt the adrenalines flowing through his body as he prepared for the race.
17. The feeling of adrenalines was addictive, and she sought out activities that could provide it.
18. Adrenalines can cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.
19. The thrill of a roller coaster ride is fueled by adrenalines.
20. Adrenalines can cause feelings of anxiety and fear.
21. The feeling of adrenalines can be used to overcome obstacles and achieve goals.
22. He was always seeking out the next adventure in order to feel the rush of adrenalines.
23. Adrenalines can affect different people in different ways.
24. Some people may be more prone to experiencing adrenalines than others.
25. Adrenalines can be released during exercise or physical activity.
26. The feeling of adrenaline can be addictive and lead to risky behavior.
27. Adrenalines can trigger the fight or flight response, preparing the body for danger.
28. The sensation of riding a motorcycle at high speeds can be an adrenaline rush.
29. Adrenalines can also cause feelings of euphoria and happiness.
30. The feeling of adrenalines can be used to push through pain and discomfort.
31. Extreme sports are often associated with the release of adrenalines.
32. Adrenalines can help mask injuries and increase physical performance.
33. Some people may actively seek out dangerous situations to experience the rush of adrenalines.
34. Adrenalines can cause a temporary loss of appetite and increase metabolism.
35. The feeling of adrenalines can be described as a surge of energy and excitement.
36. Adrenalines can also be released during times of stress and anxiety.
37. The rush of adrenalines can make time seem to slow down.
38. Adrenalines can cause a heightened sense of awareness and perception.
39. The release of adrenalines is a natural response to perceived threats or challenges.
40. The sensation of bungee jumping can be described as a sudden rush of adrenalines.

Common Phases

1. My heart raced with adrenaline; I had never felt so alive.
2. The rush of adrenaline was overwhelming; I could barely catch my breath.
3. Adrenaline surged through my veins; I knew I had to act fast.
4. I felt a familiar surge of adrenaline; it was time to push myself to the limit.
5. Adrenaline pumped through my body; I was ready for anything.
6. The rush of adrenaline was addictive; I craved it more and more.
7. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through me; it was both exhilarating and terrifying.
8. Adrenaline fueled my determination; I refused to give up.

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