Afferents example sentences

"Afferents" Example Sentences

1. Afferents from the sensory neurons carry signals to the brain.
2. The afferents in the spinal cord transmit signals to the brainstem.
3. Miscommunication between afferents and efferents can cause movement disorders.
4. Damage to the afferents in the peripheral nervous system can lead to neuropathy.
5. Afferents from the skin help us detect temperature and pressure.
6. The vestibular afferents in the inner ear are responsible for our sense of balance.
7. The afferents from the eyes synapse with neurons in the visual cortex of the brain.
8. Certain medications can interfere with the function of afferent nerve fibers.
9. Afferents from the stomach signal feelings of hunger and fullness to the brain.
10. Damage to the afferent fibers in diabetic neuropathy can cause numbness and tingling in the feet.
11. Afferents carrying information about pain travel through small diameter nerve fibers.
12. The afferents from the olfactory bulb convey information about scent to the brain.
13. The insula region of the brain receives input from afferent fibers related to taste.
14. Afferents from the bladder inform us of the need to urinate.
15. The afferents that detect stretch and tension in the muscles are called proprioceptors.
16. Certain diseases, like multiple sclerosis, can damage afferent signaling in the nervous system.
17. Afferents from the cochlea transmit auditory signals to the brain.
18. The corpus callosum integrates information from afferents in both hemispheres of the brain.
19. Afferent neurons in the spinal cord can be classified according to their input and function.
20. Afferents from the sinoatrial node help regulate heart rate and rhythm.
21. Smoking has been shown to decrease the number of afferent nerve fibers over time.
22. The supraspinous ligament has a rich network of afferent nerve fibers.
23. Afferents from the small intestine signal the release of digestive enzymes and bile.
24. In some cases of chronic pain, afferent signaling can become heightened or dysfunctional.
25. The afferents that carry information about blood pressure are located in the carotid sinus.
26. Injury to the afferent fibers that carry information about touch can cause sensory loss.
27. The dorsal root ganglia contain the cell bodies of afferent neurons.
28. Low back pain can result from a problem with afferent signaling in the lumbar spine.
29. Afferents from the vestibulocochlear nerve are responsible for our sense of hearing.
30. Alpha motor neurons in the spinal cord receive input from both afferent and efferent fibers.

Common Phases

1. Afferents carry sensory information to the central nervous system;
2. The presence of a stimulus activates afferent fibers;
3. The afferent pathway transmits signals from the periphery to the brain;
4. Afferent neurons respond to changes in the external or internal environment;
5. Afferent signals are integrated with other inputs within the central nervous system.

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