Agerasia example sentences

Related (3): youthfulness, agelessness, unaging

"Agerasia" Example Sentences

1. Agerasia is a rare condition in which the body does not age.
2. The elixir of youth is often associated with agerasia in mythology.
3. Can modern medicine ever achieve agerasia?
4. The quest for agerasia is a common theme in science fiction.
5. Some animals exhibit traits of agerasia, such as the immortal jellyfish.
6. Agerasia is often used as a literary device to challenge our assumptions about mortality.
7. Is agerasia truly desirable or would it lead to its own set of problems?
8. Some cultures believe in the existence of individuals with agerasia.
9. The philosopher's stone was said to confer agerasia on those who possessed it.
10. For centuries, people have searched for ways to achieve agerasia.
11. Agerasia is often called the Holy Grail of science.
12. If agerasia were possible, what effect would it have on retirement and aging populations?
13. There are ongoing studies on the genetics of agerasia.
14. Would agerasia be limited to the physical body or would it also apply to the mind?
15. Could agerasia ever be used for nefarious purposes, such as immortality for tyrants?
16. Agerasia is a fascinating concept that raises many philosophical and ethical questions.
17. Some people believe that agerasia already exists in the form of certain spiritual practices.
18. Agerasia is often seen as a metaphor for achieving perfection or transcendence.
19. The possibility of agerasia challenges our perceptions of what it means to be human.
20. Agerasia has long been a fascination in the realm of alchemy.
21. Some scientists believe that agerasia is achievable in the near future.
22. The search for agerasia has spurred many advancements in medical research.
23. Agerasia has been used as a plot device in various movies and novels.
24. Many religions offer promises of agerasia for those who follow their teachings.
25. Do we fear aging more than death itself due to the allure of agerasia?
26. The idea of agerasia is often associated with the Fountain of Youth.
27. Agerasia has been the subject of much speculation and intrigue throughout history.
28. What would our world look like if agerasia were actually achievable?
29. Is agerasia a realistic goal for humanity, or is it simply a utopian dream?
30. Although agerasia is a fascinating concept, it may never be achievable in reality.

Common Phases

1. The concept of agerasia is often found in ancient mythology; stories of gods and goddesses who never aged.
2. Some people believe that the pursuit of agerasia is the ultimate goal of life; to live forever young and beautiful.
3. Agerasia has been the subject of medical research; scientists seeking to understand the genetic mechanisms that affect the aging process.
4. Many people fear the effects of aging and seek ways to reverse or prevent it; the pursuit of agerasia is a modern obsession.
5. Some cultures revere their elders and view aging as a natural part of life; the concept of agerasia would be foreign to them.

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