Aim example sentences
Related (10): goal, objective, target, purpose, intention, aspiration, ambition, direction, focus, mission
"Aim" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. Her ultimate aim is to become a doctor.
2. The new policies aim to improve the economy.
3. The bullet narrowly missed its aim.
4. The archer took careful aim before shooting the arrow.
5. Their main aim is to provide quality education.
6. I aim to finish writing my novel by the end of the year.
7. They had to aim for a target score to pass the test.
8. Her plea aimed at generating more sympathy for her cause.
9. His comments were clearly aimed at discrediting his opponent.
10. The advertisements aim to make people buy their products.
11. The new course aims to help students develop key job skills.
12. The researcher hopes her study will aim to find a cure.
13. Doctors aim to improve their patients' health and quality of life.
14. The talks aim to resolve the ongoing diplomatic dispute.
15. They aimed high and succeeded against all odds.
16. He seems to aim below his capabilities.
17. He adjusted his aim and fired again.
18. The revolutionary ideas aimed at reforming the entire system.
19. The new measures aim to curb tax evasion.
20. Their presentations aim to educate and inform.
21. His contemptuous remarks were clearly aimed at me.
22. The program aims to reduce gun violence in the community.
23. Their strategy aims to win over undecided voters.
24. I aim to perform at my highest level every day.
25. The police aimed their guns at the fleeing suspect.
26. The efforts aim to reduce poverty and inequality.
27. Their requests aim for more benefits and higher wages.
28. His speech aimed to inspire the audience to action.
29. They aimed a water cannon at the rioters.
30. The reforms aim to make the system more transparent and accountable.
31. The goalkeeper aimed a kick at the incoming ball.
32. The foundation aims to provide relief to victims of natural disasters.
33. She aims to turn her hobby into a small business.
34. His policies aim for sustainable economic growth.
35. The minister aims to resign after the budget is passed.
36. The curriculum aims to develop critical thinking skills.
37. The reforms aim for a more just and inclusive society.
38. The program aims to reduce teen drinking and drug use.
39. His insults were clearly aimed at demeaning me.
40. The measures aim to make the city cleaner and greener.
41. The team aims to win the trophy this year.
42. The new health campaign aims to promote breast cancer awareness.
43. The guidelines aim to promote ethical business practices.
44. The buffalo aimed his horns at the approaching jeep.
45. His accusations were clearly aimed at discrediting her.
46. The trainer aims to improve the athletes' performance.
47. I always aim to produce the highest quality work.
48. She aimed a kick at the ball but missed.
49. The foundation aims to provide scholarships to needy students.
50. The photographer aimed the lens at the subject.
51. The soldier aimed his rifle at the enemy forces.
52. Her remarks were aimed directly at insulting me.
53. The reforms aim for a more inclusive and just society.
54. The treatments aim to eliminate cancer cells.
55. The company aims to become a leader in sustainable business.
56. The scholarship aims to support students in financial need.
57. The laws aim to protect workers' rights.
58. The politician aimed his speech at winning over swing voters.
59. The prize aims to recognize outstanding achievement.
60. The measures aim for substantially lower carbon emissions.