Airless example sentences

Related (5): Vacuum, stifling, suffocating, oppressive, claustrophobic.

"Airless" Example Sentences

1. The airless bunker felt suffocating.
2. The airless room made it hard to breathe.
3. We had to walk through the airless tunnel quickly to avoid hypoxia.
4. The stuffy, airless closet was the worst place to hide.
5. The deep cave system had airless spaces that were dangerous to explore.
6. Visitors were told not to enter the airless tombs for long.
7. The airless space capsule made the astronauts very uncomfortable.
8. The huge underground cavern felt airless and claustrophobic.
9. They could only last a few minutes in the airless room before passing out.
10. The airless submarine made the divers lightheaded.
11. It felt like being buried alive in that airless coffin.
12. The airless environment of the moon's surface posed a challenge to the astronauts.
13. The dusty, airless attic was an unpleasant place to search for forgotten treasures.
14. The moldy airless cellar smelled foul.
15. The hot airless day made us long for air conditioning.
16. The airless environment of the warehouse made our throats dry.
17. After hours in the airless container, they were desperate for fresh air.
18. We had to wear oxygen masks into the airless mine shaft.
19. Her breathing became labored in the airless tent.
20. The airless vault was sealed tight.
21. The airless cabin of the airplane made the passengers restless.
22. The thick black smoke filled the airless room, making it hard to breathe.
23. They could feel themselves losing consciousness in the airless storeroom.
24. After hours in the airless crypt, they were relieved to breathe the fresh air again.
25. The airless shed felt like a coffin.
26. The small, airless elevator made my claustrophobia flare up.
27. The building conditions were so airless that we began to suffer symptoms of hypoxia.
28. The airless desert night left us gasping for breath.
29. They had to wear their spacesuits during missions into the airless vacuum of space.
30. The airless shack smelled of mildew.
31. The airless tomb left him feeling trapped and unable to breathe easily.
32. After several hours in the airless parking garage, they finally made it outside.
33. The tiny airless cells felt like a living nightmare.
34. The airless planes of Mars posed a challenging environment for potential colonists.
35. The basement felt airless and musty.
36. The airless greenhouse trapped heat but no oxygen.
37. The airless cave held many mysteries and dangers.
38. The airless car forced them to roll down the windows.
39. They had to ration their oxygen supplies carefully as they explored the airless depths of the asteroid.
40. The pungent, airless swamp left them struggling to catch their breath.
41. The men felt suffocated by the airless meetings in the cramped office.
42. The airless storage closet smelled sour from old boxes.
43. The small, airless box was like a coffin.
44. The dusty, airless store rooms left them feeling short of breath.
45. Without a suit, exposure to the airless vacuum of space would kill an astronaut within minutes.
46. The airless lunar landscape had no atmosphere to support life.
47. The small, airless bathroom made me feel claustrophobic.
48. Thanks to the portable oxygen tanks, they could withstand the airless passageways for a short time.
49. The airless car made them roll the windows down for fresh air.
50. After days in the airless bunker, they were desperate for fresh air.
51. The damp airless basement felt like a tomb.
52. The rude customers created an airless environment where creativity could not thrive.
53. The airless environment of the spaceship took getting used to.
54. The airless elevator made the trip uncomfortable.
55. The tiny airless cell was barely large enough for the cot.
56. The airless mineshaft felt dangerous and life-threatening.
57. The airless hub of the space station had no breathable atmosphere.
58. The airless fire damaged much of the building.
59. The airless hike up the mountain made us lightheaded.
60. The airless chamber left me gasping for breath.

Common Phases

1. The airless box was quickly becoming unbearable.
2. The astronauts had to wear special suits in the airless space.
3. The cave was damp and airless deep underground.
4. The container was sealed, leaving the fruit in an airless environment.
5. The chamber had to be pressurized because it was otherwise completely airless.
6. The vacuum of space is airless and inhospitable.
7. Traveling in an airless bubble through the void was a surreal experience.
8. The airless cavity had formed inside his sinuses.
9. She started to suffocate in the airless chamber.
10. The abandoned mine was cold and airless.
11. They spent hours exploring the airless tunnels beneath the city.
12. The abandoned warehouse was musty, dark and airless.
13. The tires were completely airless after months sitting idle.
14. His voice echoed in the airless, concrete room.
15. She could feel the panic rising in the airless elevator.
16. The early Apollo missions spent little time in the airless vacuum of space.
17. The tires felt flat and airless after years of disuse.
18. The wreck of the ship lay airless and undisturbed on the seafloor for centuries.
19. The old refrigerator sat airless and full of mildew in the garage.
20. Her lungs started to burn from the lack of oxygen in the airless pod.
21. The jar was sealed airless to preserve the jam for months.
22. The room felt airless and oppressive in the summer heat.
23. The airless desert sands stretched as far as the eye could see.
24. The cheap, airless furniture soon fell apart from lack of proper material.
25. They had to wear breathing apparatus in the airless conditions of the tomb.
26. The motorcycle sat airless and neglected in the corner of the garage.
27. The ship bounced hopelessly off the airless surface of the moon.
28. The dusty attic was musty, airless and claustrophobic.
29. The airless nature of the vacuum meant nothing could survive there.
30. With airless tyres, the wheels do not absorb shocks as well.
31. The tomb had sat sealed and airless for thousands of years.
32. The airless room quickly drained all the oxygen from their lungs.
33. The bike tyres were completely airless and unusable.
34. The airless clothes dried stiff and scratchy.
35. The underground cave system remained entirely airless and pitch black.
36. The airless room seemed to be closing in on him.
37. Without air, the fire went out in the airless world.
38. The airless environment of the testing chamber simulated space conditions.
39. The bodies had decomposed in the cold, airless conditions of the crypt.
40. Her eyes started to water in the hot, airless classroom.
41. The airless mineshaft dropped deep into the earth.
42. The lack of oxygen left him dizzy and disoriented in the airless depths.
43. The abandoned tyre sat fading and airless in the sun.
44. The aliens could only survive in heavily pressurized, airless domes.
45. His hair began to stand on end in the artificial, airless atmosphere.
46. The mask kept him from suffocating in the airless room.
47. The room became stifling and airless in the summer heat.
48. The airless planet was devoid of any life or weather.
49. The airless universe was silent and cold.
50. The airless bubble floated aimlessly through space.
51. Their broken spacecraft drifted airless and lifeless through the cosmos.
52. The airless gas giant had no solid surface to land on.
53. The airless landscape stretched to the horizon under the hot desert sun.
54. Living things could not survive in the airless void.
55. The sealed box remained airless for decades.
56. The airless, lightless depths of the ocean were inhospitable.
57. She struggled to breathe in the airless environment.
58. The airless crypt was eerily still and silent.
59. The ball deflated slowly, becoming flat and airless.
60. The airless plains stretched as far as the eye could see.

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