Almsgivings example sentences

Related (10): charity, donations, gifts, philanthropy, generosity, benevolence, alms, handouts, offerings, contributions

"Almsgivings" Example Sentences

1. The Islamic holiday of Eid Al-Fitr is marked by almsgivings to the less fortunate.
2. The wealthy merchant made generous almsgivings to the local orphanage.
3. During Lent, many Christians increase their almsgivings and act of charity.
4. The Buddhist monk lived solely on almsgivings from the local community.
5. The charity organization depends on the almsgivings of its donors to support communal projects.
6. Many religions place emphasis on the importance of almsgivings and acts of charity.
7. The beggar received many almsgivings from passersby on the street.
8. The king made grand almsgivings during the festival of Diwali.
9. The monastery collects and distributes almsgivings to support the nearby community.
10. The priest reminded his congregation of the importance of almsgivings during the sermon.
11. The philanthropist made frequent almsgivings to alleviate poverty in the local area.
12. Muslims are required to make almsgivings as one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
13. The non-profit organization collected almsgivings to provide relief efforts for natural disasters.
14. The city's homeless shelter relies on the almsgivings of the public to sustain the facility.
15. The nun dedicated her life to living off almsgivings and serving the poor.
16. The Hindu festival of Akshaya Tritiya is considered an auspicious day for almsgivings.
17. The Jain tradition emphasizes the practice of almsgivings as a way to eliminate negative karma.
18. The philanthropic couple made substantial almsgivings to establish a foundation for education.
19. The Christian church encourages almsgivings as a means of showing love towards others.
20. The congregation offered their almsgivings to support the church's mission work in impoverished areas.
21. The wealthy businessman made frequent almsgivings to support various charities.
22. The Buddha encouraged his followers to make almsgivings as an important aspect of spiritual practice.
23. The community center relies on the almsgivings of local businesses to provide programming for youths.
24. The mosque collected almsgivings to support the development of a new prayer hall.
25. The almsgivings of the kind-hearted volunteer helped to provide free meals to the homeless.
26. The Catholic church emphasizes almsgivings as a way to alleviate the suffering of the poor.
27. The woman's generous almsgivings to the animal shelter helped to rescue and care for abandoned pets.
28. The orphanage made a public plea for almsgivings to provide for the children's basic needs.
29. The local food bank relies on the almsgivings of the community to provide food for the less fortunate.
30. The Sikh tradition encourages almsgivings to support the promotion of social justice and equality.

Common Phases

1. Almsgivings should be done with a generous heart;
2. Many people believe that almsgivings will bring good karma;
3. Almsgivings can make a significant impact on those who are in need;
4. It is important to give almsgivings without expecting anything in return;
5. Islamic tradition puts great importance on almsgivings during Ramadan;
6. Almsgivings can be a way of showing gratitude for one's blessings;
7. The act of almsgivings can bring peace and joy to both the giver and the receiver;
8. In Christianity, almsgivings are seen as a way of following Jesus' teachings;
9. Almsgivings can be given as a form of charity to support various causes;
10. Small acts of almsgivings can add up to make a big difference in the world.

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