Altarpieces example sentences

Related (2): paintings, sculptures

"Altarpieces" Example Sentences

1. The church is famous for its beautiful altarpieces.
2. During the Middle Ages, altarpieces were highly prized by churches and monasteries.
3. The altarpieces in the cathedral are stunning works of art.
4. The Renaissance saw a rise in the creation of elaborate altarpieces.
5. The altarpieces in this chapel are known for their intricate detail.
6. The museum's collection includes several rare altarpieces from the 15th century.
7. The altarpieces in this church were painted by a famous artist of the Baroque period.
8. Many of the old European churches have altarpieces that are centuries old.
9. The altarpieces in this cathedral were created by a team of talented craftsmen.
10. The church is currently restoring one of its oldest altarpieces.
11. The altarpieces in this basilica were created by renowned artists of the Renaissance era.
12. The museum's exhibit features an impressive collection of Gothic altarpieces.
13. During the Counter-Reformation, altarpieces were often used to promote Catholic doctrine.
14. The altarpieces in this cathedral were heavily damaged during the Second World War.
15. The church commissioned a new altarpiece for its renovation.
16. The artist devoted years of his life to creating a series of altarpieces for different churches.
17. The altarpieces in this chapel were created by a lesser-known artist.
18. The museum's collection of altarpieces is considered one of the finest in the world.
19. The church's altarpieces were stolen during a robbery in the 1980s.
20. The religious communities of the Middle Ages believed that altarpieces had the power to connect the divine with the earthly.
21. Throughout history, altarpieces have often been the primary focal point of churches and chapels.
22. The altarpieces in this cathedral were created by a diverse group of artists from different parts of Europe.
23. The museum's curators are always on the lookout for rare and valuable altarpieces to add to their collection.
24. Some altarpieces were designed to be portable so that they could be moved from place to place.
25. The church's parishioners raised a significant sum of money to commission a new altarpiece.
26. During the Renaissance, some altarpieces became so elaborate that they were like miniature cathedrals in their own right.
27. The altarpieces in this chapel were painted in the distinctive Mannerist style.
28. This museum holds one of the largest collections of altarpieces in the country.
29. The church's altarpieces have been meticulously restored by a team of art conservators.
30. Throughout the centuries, altarpieces have been created using a variety of mediums, including oil paint, marble, and gold leaf.

Common Phases

1. Altarpieces were often commissioned by wealthy patrons; they were elaborate works of art.
2. Altarpieces could be painted or sculpted; they were typically located behind the altar in churches.
3. The subjects of altarpieces were usually religious in nature; they depicted scenes from the Bible or the lives of saints.
4. Altarpieces were popular during the Renaissance period; they were symbols of spiritual devotion.
5. The size of altarpieces varied greatly; some were small and simple while others were large and highly detailed.
6. Altarpieces were meant to be viewed from a distance; they were often designed to be seen from different angles.
7. Altarpieces were often the focus of religious ceremonies; they were surrounded by candles and other religious objects.
8. The creation of altarpieces was a collaborative effort; artists, craftsmen, and religious figures all played a role in their design and construction.

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