Analogous example sentences

Related (9): Similar, comparable, alike, parallel, equivalent, resembling, corresponding, related, akin.


adjective (analogous to)

analogous (adjective)

  - comparable in certain respects, typically in a way which makes clearer the nature of the things compared:

  - (of structures) performing a similar function but having a different evolutionary origin, such as the wings of insects and birds. Often contrasted with homologous


comparable, parallel, similar, like, corresponding, related, kindred, matching, cognate, equivalent, symmetrical, homologous, dissimilar, unrelated, homologous, Legal

"Analogous" Example Sentences

1. The two situations are analogous in many ways.
2. An atom is analogous to a planetary system.
3. The design is analogous to a petal arrangement.
4. The shape of a snowflake is analogous to a fern leaf.
5. The structure of DNA is analogous to a twisted ladder.
6. The behavior of the crowd was analogous to that of a swarm of bees.
7. Her reasoning was flawed in an analogous fashion.
8. This example seems analogous to the one we discussed earlier.
9. The relationship between predator and prey is analogous to that between virus and host.
10. An electron orbiting the nucleus is analogous to the planets orbiting the Sun.
11. The concept of evolution through natural selection is analogous to a company evolving through competitive selection.
12. The immune system operates in an analogous manner to an antivirus program.
13. The kidney's filtering process is analogous to that of a water filter.
14. The passage of light through a prism is analogous to sound waves passing through a sonic emitter.
15. The network of capillaries in the body is structurally analogous to the internet.
16. The growth of a company is analygous to that of an organism.
17. The teacher gave an analogy to help the students understand the concept.
18. The king's advisers functioned in an advisory role analogous to that of Congress and the Cabinet.
19. Military strategy is analogous in many ways to chess strategy.
20. An eclipse of the sun is analogous to an eclipse of the moon.
21. From a bird's eye view, freeways and street grids bear an analogous resemblance to arteries and veins.
22. His argument was not really analogous to the one I was making.
23. The mechanism of rivers eroding rocks over time is structurally analogous to that of strokes eroding letters on a page with use.
24. The opposing lawyer attempted to draw an analogy between the two cases, but it did not hold up under scrutiny.
25. Anatomically speaking, the spinal column is analogous to the spine in a book's binding.
26. The procession of molecules through an industrial pipeline is analogous to that of products moving along an assembly line.
27. The orchestra functions in an analogous manner to the branches of government, with individual instruments playing distinct roles.
28. An atom is often understood through direct analogies with the solar system.
29. The analogy helped illustrate the concept in a more understandable manner.
30. The nerve impulses in our bodies operate in a remarkably analogous fashion to the bits sent along fiber optic cables.
31. Their role in the tribe was structurally analogous to that of clan leaders.
32. Atomically, ions behave in an analogous manner to planets held in orbit.
33. The concept of group selection in evolution is structurally analogous to natural selection acting on individual organisms.
34. Anatomically speaking, fins are analogous to limbs in land animals.
35. His argument relied heavily on a dubious analogy between the two examples.
36. The process of crystallization is notably analogous to that of polymerization.
37. The broader metaphor being drawn is still fundamentally analogous in its logic.
38. The circulatory systems of all mammals are fundamentally analogous in their structure and functioning.
39. Chemically, the forces binding molecules together are structurally analogous to gravitational forces.
40. Electric circuits can provide useful analogies for understanding fluid networks.
41. What appears analogous on the surface proves quite distinct when considered in depth.
42. Their role within the tribe was structurally analogous to that of leaders in modern governments.
43. While superficially analogous, the two processes differ significantly in their mechanisms.
44. The epidermis of plants performs a role structurally analogous to the epidermis in animals.
45. From an analogous perspective, hurricanes and forest fires serve similar functions within ecosystems.
46. Analogous structures in biology often serve different functions.
47. Despite superficial analogies, the underlying mechanisms turn out to be quite different.
48. Similar logic underpins analogies that at first seem structurally disanalogous.
49. Although computer hardware may provide a useful analogy for how the brain works, there are important differences.
50. The miniature golf course layout bears an analogous resemblance to the actual course.
51. While many components of the economy operate in analogous ways, others prove fundamentally distinct.
52. While superficially analogous, upon closer examination the comparison breaks down.
53. The lenticels on twigs function in a role analogous to pores in animal skin.
54. The division of labor within an insect colony is structurally analogous to that within human organizations.
55. While seemingly analogous at the level of form, function proves fundamentally different.
56. Despite superficial similarities, the processes turn out to operate in fundamentally disanalogous ways.
57. The nature of symbolic thought may provide an apt analogy for how machines "think."
58. Regulatory agencies operate in a manner structurally analogous to the immune system.
59. Although the arguments may seem structurally analogous, the underlying logic differs in crucial respects.
60. Analogies can help elucidate concepts, but should be applied judiciously and not taken too literally.

Common Phases

1. His behavior is analogous to that of a spoiled child.
2. The atomic model of the solar system is analogous to that of an atom with electrons orbiting a nucleus.
3. In mathematics, congruence is a concept analogous to equality.
4. The function of the kidneys is analogous to that of a filter.
5. The islets of Langerhans in the pancreas function in an analogous manner to the adrenal glands.
6. The early theories of evolution were analogous to Lamarckism.
7. The inner workings of animals and machines are often thought to be analogous.
8. The analogous parts of organisms are known as homologous structures.
9. I fail to see an analogous instance of that sort occurring previously.
10. Structuralism is an approach in philosophy that is closely analogous to linguistics.
11. The microscope and telescope may seem functionally analogous but work on very different principles.
12. Analogous reasoning involves comparing two subjects and pointing out how they are analogous.
13. An analogous law was passed at the state level several years ago.
14. Their corporate culture was not entirely analogous to that described in the case study.
15. Computers use binary code that is analogous to how humans use language.
16. The two solutions were not completely analogous in their underlying mechanics.
17. The features of the landscape were strikingly analogous to those of the Australian outback.
18. He compared the relationship between signs and meaning to the analogous relationship between words and concepts.
19. The legislative system is broadly analogous to that found in the United Kingdom.
20. Their approach to the problem was entirely analogous with how we had structured ours.
21. The chemical reaction proceeded by an analogous mechanism to that previously hypothesized.
22. Though different in scale, the process is largely analogous at the molecular level.
23. The nervous systems of insects and humans are analogous but not homologous.
24. Their arguments were couched in terms analogous to those used in religious rhetoric.
25. Role-play and psychodrama use techniques that are closely analogous to those in dreamwork.
26. The two mathematically analogous forms yielded identical results.
27. Aerial roots and stolons are structures that are analogous but not homologous.
28. This new theory is largely analogous to the old cosmological model.
29. Sleep and comas are often considered analogous states of unconsciousness.
30. The atomic weight of fluorine is analogous to that of chlorine on the periodic table.
31. Analogous cases from other jurisdictions were not applicable in this instance.
32. The analogous relationship between sound and light helped to shape his new theories.
33. I offered an analogous example to clarify the point I had been trying to make.
34. The elements in the first column of the periodic table exhibit analogous properties.
35. Their explanations were only superficially analogous to the scientific facts.
36. The logic underpinning the argument was fundamentally analogous.
37. His solution to the quadratic equation employed a technique that was analogous to factorization.
38. Her explanation relied too heavily on technocratic analogies that were ultimately not analogous.
39. The political systems were only loosely analogous despite sharing a few superficial similarities.
40. The historical parallels were cited as evidence of an analogous situation arising.
41. Theoretically, the process should work in an analogous manner across all material types.
42. The comparison was useful only in an abstractly analogous sense.
43. The proposed analogy was strained and ultimately not analogous enough to serve the purpose intended.
44. His career path followed an extremely analogous trajectory to that of his father.
45. The structures were superficially but not deeply analogous.
46. The models were constructed to represent the molecular interactions in an analogous fashion.
47. The role of enzymes is analogous to that of an architect designing chemical reactions in cells.
48. Their theories were only loosely analogous, based on analogies that lacked empirical support.
49. The molecular properties were analogous between the compounds despite structural differences.
50. An optician and watchmaker perform analogous tasks that require precision and ingenuity.
51. The concept can be thought of in an analogous manner on a macroscopic scale.
52. The two diseases are analogous but arise from entirely different pathological mechanisms.
53. The analogy was stretched so far as to no longer be fully analogous.
54. Certain properties of one element can be predicted based on its analogous placement in the periodic table.
55. Photons and electrons behave in analogous ways as particles and waves.
56. The homeostatic mechanisms are largely analogous across living organisms.
57. Linguistic signs are known to be arbitrarily but analogously related to their referents.
58. The analogous relationship between a word and its referent is known as arbitrariness.
59. The model reproduced the experimental observations in an entirely analogous fashion.
60. Expert opinions diverged on how closely analogous the cases were legally and factually.

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