Answerability example sentences
Related (2): accountability, responsibility.
answerability (noun)
- responsibility for explaining or justifying one's actions:
responsibility, liability, unaccountability"Answerability" Example Sentences
1. The facts speak for themselves; they require no embellishment or distortion to support an argument, only responsible presentation that recognizes the facts' answerability.
2. The company prides itself on its transparency and commitment to answerability by providing full disclosure to shareholders and the public.
3. He evaded the probing questions with vague nonanswers, avoiding any sort of answerability or accountability for his actions.
4. The honest politician understands the importance of answerability and being accountable to constituents for decisions and legislation.
5. Good governance depends on transparency and answerability at all levels of decision making within an organization.
6. Privacy advocates argue that increased surveillance threatens individual liberties and reduces societal answerability by allowing authorities to act unchecked.
7. The new media environment demands a higher level of answerability and responsibility from journalists and news organizations.
8. We live in an age of hyperconnectivity that also demands hyperanswerability for ones actions and statements online.
9. The whistleblower valued truth telling above secrecy, knowing full well it put her answerability and professional reputation at risk.
10. The confession brought relief from guilt but also dread over the answerability and potential consequences for her actions.
11. Many corporate scandals could have been averted if upper management had fostered a culture of answerability and transparency rather than secrecy and obfuscation.
12. As citizens, we need to hold our elected officials to a higher standard of answerability and demand accountability for decisions made on our behalf.
13. The social contract between government and governed depends on the consent and cooperation of the governed, premised on the government's answerability and legitimacy.
14. The more public funding goes into a program, the greater the need for answerability and transparency to ensure taxpayer money is well spent.
15. She seized the opportunity to dodge responsibility and deflect answerability by blaming others for the company's failings.
16. Answerability is central to justice and the rule of law; those who commit crimes must be held accountable for their actions.
17. A strong democracy relies on an engaged and informed citizenry to ensure government answerability and accountability.
18. The firms providing financial advice should be held to the highest standards of answerability and transparency with their clients.
19. Accepting the mantle of leadership means embracing answerability and accountability for the wellbeing of those who have entrusted their welfare into your care.
20. After months of evasiveness and non-answers, the public demanded a higher level of answerability and truthfulness from their elected officials.
21. Financial regulators seek to ensure proper answerability and transparency within the system through disclosure requirements and reporting rules.
22. Answerability implies a readiness to provide information about and justification for one's beliefs, actions, and policies upon request.
23. Openness and answerability build public trust in the exercise of power and authority, whether in government, journalism, or corporate governance.
24. Rights and freedoms necessitate responsibilities and answerability for how those rights and freedoms impact society as a whole.
25. The student struggled with accepting answerability for her mistakes and shortcomings, always looking to place blame elsewhere.
26. The ostensible candor of social media sometimes masks an aversion to true answerability and accountability for one's statements and actions.
27. Privacy rights must be balanced against the need for a level of societal answerability to prevent harm and ensure justice.
28. An unwillingness to accept answerability and accountability breeds mistrust and resentment in personal and professional relationships.
29. Higher education institutions claim to instill students with values of citizenship, yet have been reluctant to embrace the answerability and transparency that citizenship demands.
30. The company's public relations machine sought to minimize answerability through spin and redirection rather than genuine transparency.
31. State power must be balanced by checks that constrain its reach and hold it answerable through openness, reason-giving and answerability.
32. Good governance requires informed citizens who are willing to hold those in power answerable through participation, oversight and answerability.
33. Government aims to promote social welfare within constraints of legitimacy, rights and answerability to citizens who ultimately grant it the authority to govern.
34. Journalists provide a vital check on those in power through aggressive reporting and a demand for transparency, answerability and accountability.
35. The conceit of anonymity on the internet often betrays a desire to avoid answerability and accountability for one's words and deeds.
36. Systemic corruption can only be tackled by fostering answerability and transparency at all levels of an institution rather than focusing solely on individual wrongdoers.
37. Accountability depends upon answerability; those whose conduct is subject to scrutiny must be willing and able to explain and justify their actions.
38. Philosophers have long debated whether moral answerability depends more on consequences or intentions, with most arguing some mix is required.
39. Professionals in positions of trust are expected to operate with the highest levels of integrity, competence, confidentiality, and answerability to their clients and patients.
40. Religious institutions that shelter wrongdoers betray fundamental commitments to justice, compassion, truth and answerability to a higher good beyond institutional self-interest.
41. A consenting victim absolved the perpetrator of answerability and accountability for the wrongdoing, according to societal mores that privileged paternalistic authority over individual agency and autonomy.
42. Regulations require periodic review to balance openness and innovation against protections for public health, safety and welfare through answerability and transparency.
43. Our biases shape and constrain our ability to perceive the world fully and acknowledge our responsibilities and answerabilities in a just social order.
44. Defensive attempts to justify or rationalize poor decisions reveal an unwillingness to embrace true answerability and learn from mistakes to improve outcomes.
45. Whistleblowers often face retribution not for the information they reveal, but for challenging entrenched power dynamics and demanding higher levels of openness, answerability and accountability.
46. His public protest was an attempt to shame officials into higher levels of answerability and transparency by throwing their failures into the harsh light of day.
47. Effective communication depends upon a willingness to engage authentically through self-reflection, empathy and answerability for one's perspectives and choices of argument.
48. News media provide a socially valuable function by demanding justifications, rationales and reasons from those in power, enhancing government answerability and transparency.
49. Reasons allow individuals and institutions to make their knowledge and thinking explicit, enhancing answerability and openness to evidence-based evaluation and revision.
50. Denial of responsibility reveals an unwillingness to embrace answerability for one's choices and actions and accept the corresponding consequences.
51. Mature relationships embrace vulnerability through honest self-disclosure and answerability within a framework of mutual care, respect and understanding.
52. A leader unwilling to be challenged ultimately fosters resentment, mistrust and places self-interest above the collective good and shared answerabilities of the group.
53. Power depends for its legitimacy on the consent of the governed and their willingness to hold it answerable through mechanisms of oversight, transparency and answerability.
54. Individuals and institutions must strive for self-knowledge and higher levels of critical self-reflection to accurately assess performance, failures and answerabilities.
55. Religious faith need not oppose reason, truth or answerability, so long as its truths are viewed as obtained through experience rather than imposed upon it.
56. Effective public policy depends on reasonable compromise based on evidence, reason, and a shared recognition of social answerabilities beyond narrow self-interest.
57. Bureaucratic evasiveness and nonanswers betray an unwillingness to embrace true answerability and accountability to the people such institutions ostensibly serve.
58. Advances in technology and artificial intelligence raise questions about how to ensure continued human creativity, choice, meaning and answerability within emerging systems.
59. The priest absolved the criminal on confession alone without seeking real atonement, restitution or answerability for the wrongs committed against society.
60. Citizens in a democracy must hold those in power answerable by demanding reasons and justifications for policies and decisions that impact the common good and shared social answerabilities.
Common Phases
1. Held to account/answerable - Required to explain and justify one's conduct or performance. Example: Public officials must be held to account for how they spend taxpayer money.
2. Accountability and answerability- Two closely related but distinct concepts. Accountability refers to being obligated to explain, justify and accept responsibility for one's actions. Answerability is the willingness and ability to provide such explanations and justifications upon request.
3. Lack of answerability - An unwillingness or inability to provide explanations, justifications or reasons when asked to do so. This often stems from evasiveness, secrecy or a desire to avoid scrutiny.
4. Open to answerability - Being willing and able to provide information, explanations and justifications for one's views and conduct upon request. This suggests transparency. openness and a willingness to accept scrutiny.
5. Exempt from answerability - Not subject to or requiring explanations, justifications or reasons. People or institutions that operate outside of accountability mechanisms and oversight are often exempt from having to answer for their actions.
6. Evaded answerability - Avoided having to provide explanations, justifications or reasons. Often done through secrecy, misdirection, non-answers or vagueness.
7. Responsibility and answerability - Closely linked concepts. Taking responsibility for one's actions necessarily involves being willing and able to provide an account of those actions when called to do so.
8. Accept answerability - Embrace the need to provide information, explanations and justifications for one's conduct and views upon request. This often involves admitting fallibility and willingness to revise based on scrutiny.
9. Avoid answerability - Seek to escape having to provide information, explanations or justifications for one's conduct and views. Often done through strategic non-answers, deflection or denial of responsibility.
10. Demand answerability - Require someone to provide information, explanations and justifications for actions or views, especially people in positions of power and authority. A cornerstone of accountability and oversight.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
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