Archenemies example sentences

Related (5): Batman, Joker, Superman, Moriarty, Spike.

"Archenemies" Example Sentences

1. The two superheroes were once archenemies but have since then grown to respect each other.
2. The archenemies in this movie are a cop and a drug lord.
3. The fierce competition between the two companies made them archenemies.
4. The rivalry between the football teams made them archenemies on the field.
5. The history between the two countries has made them archenemies for centuries.
6. The two magicians were once friends but now they are archenemies.
7. The feud between the two families turned them into archenemies in the small town.
8. The fight between the hero and his archnemesis caused destruction in the city.
9. The archenemies clashed in an epic battle that lasted for hours.
10. The two political leaders were known as archenemies because of their opposing beliefs.
11. The characters in the story were struggling with their archenemies in different ways.
12. The superhero's archenemy always had an evil plan up his sleeve.
13. The archenemies were fighting for control of the kingdom.
14. The two gangs were seen as archenemies in the city.
15. The archenemies were both seeking revenge for past grievances.
16. The detective was determined to catch his archenemy once and for all.
17. The archenemies had a mutual hatred that was palpable.
18. The two armies were considered archenemies in the war.
19. The archenemy's death created a void in the hero's life.
20. The two magicians were once partners but became archenemies after a betrayal.
21. The rivalry between the two musicians made them archenemies in the industry.
22. The superhero's archenemy was always one step ahead, making it hard to defeat him.
23. The archenemies met in a final showdown that determined the fate of the kingdom.
24. The archenemies in this book were on different sides of the law.
25. The conflict between the two characters turned them into archenemies.
26. The archenemy's capture was a momentous victory for the hero.
27. The two opposing teams were known as archenemies in the sport.
28. The archenemies had a long-standing grudge that couldn't be resolved peacefully.
29. The archenemy's rise to power created chaos in the city.
30. The two figures were archenemies in history, but their story captivated people for years.

Common Phases

1. The superheroes and their archenemies met face-to-face in a battle of epic proportions; the city trembled under their feet.
2. The cold blooded villain and his archenemy had been at each other's throats for years; they knew each other's moves like a dance.
3. The dynamic duo and their archenemies were constantly trying to outsmart each other; it was a never-ending game of cat and mouse.
4. The heroines' archenemies always seemed to have the upper hand; they were constantly one step ahead.
5. The brilliant mastermind and his archenemy were locked in a deadly battle of wits; each trying to outmaneuver the other.
6. The villainous team and their archenemies were always fighting for control of the underworld; it was a never-ending war.
7. The crime-fighting trio and their archenemies were always engaged in a tense game of strategy; both sides carefully planning their next move.
8. The powerful sorceress and her archenemy had been locked in a bitter struggle for years; neither willing to back down.
9. The rogue agent and his archenemy were locked in a deadly dance, each trying to catch the other off guard.
10. The stealthy ninja and his archenemy were locked in a fierce battle of skill; both determined to emerge victorious.

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