Archimedes example sentences

Related (10): leverage, buoyancy, principle, Eureka!, mathematics, physics, engineering, geometry, inventions, Syracuse

"Archimedes" Example Sentences

1. Archimedes discovered the law of displacement while in his bath.
2. Archimedes invented many mechanical devices during his lifetime.
3. According to legend, Archimedes realized how to calculate the density of objects while in his bath.
4. Archimedes is said to have shouted "Eureka!" upon discovering the principle of buoyancy.
5. Archimedes created war machines to help defend his city of Syracuse from Roman attacks.
6. Archimedes used levers and pulleys to move large objects with minimal effort.
7. Archimedes believed that with the right levers he could move the entire world.
8. Archimedes principle states that a body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.
9. According to Archimedes, give me a place to stand and I will move the earth.
10. Archimedes worked on mathematics, physics, engineering, and astronomy during ancient Greece.
11. Archimedes inventions include the Archimedes screw, the compound pulley, and the Archimedes claw.
12. Archimedes proved that the volume and surface area of a sphere could be expressed in terms of simple proportionals.
13. Archimedes was able to estimate the value of pi to within two decimal places.
14. Archimedes was reportedly so engrossed in his mathematical writings that he forgot to eat or bathe.
15. We owe much of our knowledge of levers, centers of gravity, and hydrostatics to Archimedes.
16. Archimedes used geometry to calculate the area and volume of spheres, cylinders, cones, and other shapes.
17. Archimedes is said to have found the solution to a complex problem while taking a bath.
18. Archimedes mathematical works hint at an analytical, generalized approach that would later become calculus.
19. Archimedes writings focused on geometry, physics, engineering and astronomy.
20. According to the story, Archimedes realized his principle of buoyancy while drawing shapes in his bath water.
21. Archimedes was killed by a Roman soldier during the Siege of Syracuse in 212 BC.
22. Archimedes work on infinitesimals foreshadowed the development of calculus millennia later.
23. Archimedes believed that mathematics was the key to understanding nature.
24. Archimedes used ingenious devices to hinder Roman ships during the siege, including giant hooks and fire.
25. Archimedes changed warfare forever with his mechanical inventions and use of physics.
26. Archimedes provided estimates for some transcendental constants that remained useful for centuries.
27. Archimedes is considered one of the greatest physicists and mathematicians of the ancient world.
28. Archimedes polyhedra law states that the number of faces, edges, and vertices in a polyhedron follow simple relations.
29. The steam-powered aeolipile invented by Archimedes prefigured the invention of the steam engine.
30. Archimedes created ingenious defensive mechanisms during the Siege of Syracuse more than 2000 years ago.
31. We use Archimedes principle every time we swim or take a bath.
32. Archimedes could have calculated the circumference of the earth if he had access to the necessary observational data.
33. The ingenuity of Archimedes still amazes and inspires scientists and engineers today.
34. Archimedes calculations used primitive notions of limits and functions before they were formally defined.
35. The works of Archimedes on geometry, physics and engineering shaped Western science for centuries.
36. Archimedes famously said "Give me a place to stand, and I will move the whole world."
37. Archimedes tireless work ethic and love of discovery set an example for generations of scientists.
38. Archimedes discoveries in hydrostatics laid the foundation for the modern theory of buoyancy and fluid mechanics.
39. The Bronze Horseman statue is said to be Archimedes' most ambitious creation.
40. Archimedes Derivation of the "Law of the Lever" explained the principle of the balance.
41. Archimedes mathematical writings reveals a deep geometric insight closely related to modern ideas of infinity.
42. Archimedes' work on centers of gravity remains a cornerstone of statics and engineering today.
43. Archimedes brought geometry to bear on practical problems dealing with levers, pulleys and balance.
44. Archimedes made huge advances in mathematics, physics, engineering and astronomy during ancient times.
45. Archimedes legacy lives on through his principles of buoyancy, levers and the use of mechanics in warfare.
46. Archimedes remains a symbol of human creativity, ingenuity and the power of mathematics.
47. Students of physics and mathematics continue to find inspiration in the work of Archimedes.
48. According to legend, Archimedes cried "Eureka!" after his famous epiphany while taking a bath.
49. Archimedes explanations of the workings of simple machines changed how humans understand mechanics.
50. Archimedes theorems on the geometry of the sphere were revolutionary in their time.
51. Archimedes created the first formula for calculating the surface area and volume of a sphere.
52. Archimedes mechanical devices gave defenders during sieges a significant advantage over attackers.
53. Archimedes applied mathematics and physics to solve practical, everyday problems.
54. Archimedes insights make him one of the fathers of modern science and engineering.
55. The works of Archimedes are among the most important that have survived from ancient Greece.
56. Archimedes place in history as a scientist, mathematician and inventor is secure.
57. The ingenuity of Archimedes mechanical devices still astounds readers more than 2000 years later.
58. Archimedes lived from 287 BC to 212 BC in the Greek city of Syracuse.
59. Archimedes' work on infinitesimals and the notion of the "counted infinite" foreshadowed key concepts in calculus.
60. Archimedes synthetic approach to geometry helped lay the foundation for modern mathematics.

Common Phases

1. According to Archimedes...
2. Archimedes reportedly shouted "Eureka!" (I have found it!)...
3. Archimedes famously said "Give me a place to stand and I shall move the Earth"...
4. Archimedes is said to have found the solution...
5. Archimedes invented the...
6. One of Archimedes' greatest achievements was...
7. Archimedes discoveries laid the foundation for...
8. Archimedes' ingenuity...

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