Armchair example sentences

Related (7): recliner, throne, seat, upholstery, cushion, pouf, footstool

"Armchair" Example Sentences

1. I like to read in my cozy armchair.
2. My grandmother's antique armchair is worth a lot of money.
3. The armchair in the waiting room was surprisingly comfortable.
4. He sat in the armchair and watched TV all day.
5. The cat curled up in the armchair and fell asleep.
6. The dentist had a leather armchair in his office.
7. She sat nervously in the armchair waiting for her interview.
8. The armchair in the corner was covered in cat fur.
9. He set his coffee down on the armchair's armrest.
10. The armchair was so worn out, it needed to be replaced.
11. The armchair by the fireplace was everyone's favorite spot in the house.
12. I prefer to solve crossword puzzles in my armchair.
13. The armchair was too big for the small apartment.
14. She sank into the armchair, exhausted after a long day.
15. I often daydream in my armchair before bed.
16. His armchair had a built-in massager, which was relaxing after a long day.
17. The armchair rocker soothed the crying baby to sleep.
18. The dog chewed a hole in the armchair cushion.
19. The comfortable armchair was the perfect spot for reading romance novels.
20. He leaned back in the armchair, lost in thought.
21. I broke the armrest on the armchair while moving it.
22. The armchair had been passed down through generations of the family.
23. The armchair was upholstered in a bright floral pattern.
24. The armchair had a matching ottoman for added comfort.
25. The salesman demonstrated the reclining feature of the armchair.
26. She spilled red wine on the armchair, leaving a stubborn stain.
27. The armchair was situated in front of a large picture window with a beautiful view.
28. He rocked back and forth in the armchair, deep in conversation.
29. The armchair was the centerpiece of the living room.
30. She snuggled up with a cozy blanket in the armchair and watched the snow fall outside.

Common Phases

1. I spent the entire weekend lounging in my armchair; reading books, drinking tea, and watching movies.
2. He was so comfortable in his armchair; he didn't move for hours.
3. The armchair in the corner of the room; had become my favorite spot to relax.
4. She sat back in her armchair; closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
5. I love curling up in my armchair; with a warm blanket and a good book.
6. The armchair was the perfect addition to the cozy living room; it completed the look and added comfort.
7. He sat in his armchair; sipping his coffee and listening to the morning news.
8. The armchair was well-worn and well-loved; a testament to all the hours spent sitting and reading.
9. She settled into her armchair; and pulled out her knitting needles for a relaxing evening.
10. My armchair is my favorite place to unwind; it's where I go to escape the world.

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