Ashrama example sentences

Related (4): hermitage, retreat, monastery, sanctuary

"Ashrama" Example Sentences

1. The Brahmacarya ashrama is the stage of life when a young boy becomes a celibate student.
2. In ancient times, the Vanaprastha ashrama was the period when a person withdrew from worldly life and lived in a forest.
3. The Grihastha ashrama is the stage when a person gets married and starts a family.
4. The Sannyasa ashrama is the final stage, where a person renounces all material attachments and dedicates their life to spiritual pursuits.
5. The ashram where I stayed in India was a peaceful place for meditation and self-reflection.
6. Our teacher explained that the four ashramas provide a framework for a complete life.
7. I was surprised to find an ashram in the middle of the city, but it was a haven of calm amidst the chaos.
8. Some people choose to live in an ashram for an extended period of time to deepen their spiritual practice.
9. The Brahma sutras examine the relationship between the four ashramas and the concept of Brahman.
10. The ashram residents woke up early every morning for yoga and meditation.
11. The ashram provided vegetarian meals to promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
12. The Vedic scriptures describe the responsibilities and duties that come with each ashrama.
13. I met many interesting people at the ashram who were on their own spiritual journeys.
14. Some ashram residents choose to take a vow of silence for a designated period of time.
15. The ashram emphasized the importance of selfless service or seva.
16. The ashram was led by a guru who provided guidance and support to all residents.
17. I spent a week at an ashram in Rishikesh and was amazed by its natural beauty.
18. The ashram library had a wide variety of books on spirituality, philosophy, and religion.
19. The ashram hosted workshops and retreats throughout the year for visitors and residents.
20. The ashram staff maintained a strict routine of morning, afternoon, and evening activities.
21. I learned about the ancient Indian system of education, which was based on the ashramas.
22. Many people find solace and peace by spending time at an ashram, away from the distractions of modern life.
23. The ashram offered daily classes in Sanskrit, chanting, and ancient Vedic traditions.
24. New residents at the ashram were given a list of rules and guidelines to follow.
25. The ashram had a small farm where residents could work and connect with nature.
26. The ashram's main hall was used for religious ceremonies, music performances, and spiritual gatherings.
27. The ashram community was diverse, with people from different countries and backgrounds.
28. The ashram's teachings emphasized the unity of all religions and spiritual paths.
29. The ashram was founded by a spiritual master who believed in the transformative power of meditation and self-realization.
30. The ashram's peaceful atmosphere and scenic surroundings made it the perfect place for inner reflection and growth.

Common Phases

1. Brahmacharya Ashrama; Grihastha Ashrama; Vanaprastha Ashrama; Sannyasa Ashrama.
2. I am in the Brahmacharya Ashrama; My parents are in the Grihastha Ashrama; My grandparents are in the Vanaprastha Ashrama; My uncle is in the Sannyasa Ashrama.
3. The four stages of life are Brahmacharya Ashrama, Grihastha Ashrama, Vanaprastha Ashrama, and Sannyasa Ashrama.
4. Hindu tradition recognizes four stages of life: Brahmacharya Ashrama, Grihastha Ashrama, Vanaprastha Ashrama, and Sannyasa Ashrama.
5. Many people choose to enter the Sannyasa Ashrama in their later years to focus on spiritual pursuits.

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