Aslopen example sentences

"Aslopen" Example Sentences

1. I heard a strange noise coming from your room. Were you aslopen?
2. I couldn't concentrate on my work because my neighbor's dog was aslopen all day.
3. She fell aslopen on the couch while watching TV.
4. He was so tired that he fell aslopen in the middle of the meeting.
5. I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself aslopen on the floor.
6. The baby was aslopen in the crib, peaceful and content.
7. After a long day of hiking, we were all aslopen in our tents by 9 pm.
8. I was aslopen and suddenly woke up to the sound of thunder.
9. The computer screen was still on, with the file aslopen.
10. She left her book aslopen on the table and went to make herself some tea.
11. The door was unlocked and the security guard was aslopen in his chair.
12. He was so relaxed that he had his mouth aslopen and was snoring gently.
13. She was aslopen when her phone rang, and she almost dropped it.
14. The children were all aslopen in their car seats on the way home from the zoo.
15. He put down his pen and left his notebook aslopen, hoping to finish his work later.
16. The laptop was aslopen, with the screensaver bouncing around.
17. She found her husband aslopen on the couch with a half-eaten bag of chips in his lap.
18. The sun was setting and the sky was aslopen with beautiful colors.
19. He forgot to save his project and left his computer aslopen overnight.
20. She was so relaxed that she let her mouth hang aslopen while stretching.
21. The window was aslopen, letting in a cool breeze.
22. The book fell aslopen on her face and woke her up.
23. He walked into the room and found her aslopen in his bed.
24. The phone was aslopen on the counter, ringing incessantly.
25. She was already aslopen when her husband came home from work.
26. The children were all aslopen in the back of the car, exhausted from their day at the beach.
27. He was aslopen on the couch when his roommate came home with friends.
28. The journal was aslopen on the desk, filled with the author's deepest secrets.
29. She was so tired that she fell aslopen in the bathtub with the water still running.
30. The door was aslopen, inviting visitors into the cozy cottage.

Common Phases

1. I fell aslopen during the boring seminar;
2. She lay aslopen on the couch, snoring softly;
3. We found him aslopen on his desk after working late;
4. The baby was aslopen in her crib, holding onto her stuffed animal;
5. He drifted aslopen in the hammock, feeling the warm sun on his face.

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