Assassin example sentences

Related (6): Murderer, hitman, executioner, gunslinger, slayer, sniper.

"Assassin" Example Sentences

1. The assassin crept through the shadows.
2. The would-be assassin was caught before he could carry out the plot.
3. The president lived in fear of assassins.
4. The assassin escaped into the night after committing the murder.
5. The assassin was hired to kill the politician.
6. The movie portrayed the assassin as a cold-blooded killer.
7. The assassin targeted government officials.
8. The elegant woman turned out to be a trained assassin.
9. The assassin shot the president from a nearby building.
10. The assassin stalked his victim for weeks before the killing.
11. The young boy had been trained as an assassin since childhood.
12. The deadly assassin escaped the authorities after the shooting.
13. The gun-for-hire assassin killed anyone for the right price.
14. The masked assassin managed to infiltrate the heavily guarded estate.
15. The assassin struck in the middle of the night when security was lax.
16. The assassin grazed his target but failed to kill him.
17. The assassin's bullet hit its mark, killing the victim instantly.
18. The international assassin carried out killings around the globe.
19. A trained assassin, he carried out each job with cold efficiency.
20. The female assassin seduced her victim before carrying out the hit.
21. The trained assassin evaded capture for decades.
22. The top assassin in the organization was ordered to carry out the assassination.
23. The assassin's bullet missed by mere inches.
24. The assassin hid in wait for hours before the kill.
25. The world-class assassin was known for never missing.
26. The assassin's knife ended the victim's life in an instant.
27. The assassin wore a disguise to avoid recognition.
28. The assassin fled the scene of the crime on foot.
29. The assassin was known for using untraceable weapons.
30. The well-paid assassin carried out the hit without question.
31. The ruthless assassin showed no mercy to his victims.
32. The assassin toyed with his victim before delivering the killing blow.
33. The assassin's skills were acquired through years of training.
34. The assassin struck without warning, leaving no trace behind.
35. The master assassin had never failed a mission.
36. The assassin silenced his victim forever with a single shot.
37. The dreaded assassin struck terror into the hearts of noblemen.
38. The infamous assassin was known only by a code name.
39. The assassin moved in for the kill.
40. The single shot from the assassin's rifle ended the senator's life.
41. The assassin strangled his victim from behind.
42. The young girl had been raised to be a deadly assassin.
43. The assassin was ultimately caught and brought to justice.
44. The nation lived in fear of the shadowy assassin.
45. The assassin eliminated anyone who stood in his way.
46. The serial assassin murdered numerous politicians.
47. The assassin's blade found its mark unerringly.
48. The female assassin seduced her victims before she killed them.
49. The assassin's poison worked quickly and silently.
50. The notorious assassin was finally hunted down.
51. The highly trained assassin carried out the perfect hit.
52. Reports identified the assassin as a known mercenary.
53. They hired an assassin to kill their political rival.
54. The paid assassin carried out the killing without remorse.
55. The assassin used a silenced pistol for the hit.
56. The elite assassin carried out the most dangerous missions.
57. The child assassin held no remorse for his victims.
58. The legendary assassin helped spark the revolution.
59. The secret assassin's guild carried out hits for the nobility.
60. The film portrayed the assassin as a cold-hearted killer.

Common Phases

1. The assassin crept into the castle.
2. The failed assassin was arrested.
3. He hired an assassin to kill his enemy.
4. An assassin always works alone and secretly.
5. The police were searching for the president's would-be assassin.
6. The assassin struck down the king with a single blow.
7. John Wilkes Booth was Lincoln's assassin.
8. The assassin had to flee the country after botching the job.
9. They believe the assassin is still on the loose.
10. The president lived after the failed assassin's attack.
11. The detective was hot on the heels of the deadly assassin.
12. The mob boss hired a professional assassin.
13. Police fired at the fleeing assassin.
14. The assassin was skilled in stealth and combat.
15. The assassin stalked his victim for weeks.
16. Security guards stopped the would-be assassin.
17. The quiet man in the corner could be the assassin.
18. The monarch lived in fear of assassins.
19. The government blamed a rival nation for training the assassins.
20. The princess' life was threatened by an assassin.
21. They chased down the known assassin.
22. The shadowy figure in the alley may have been the assassin.
23. The assassin got away by disappearing into the crowd.
24. A secret society trained and deployed the assassins.
25. The murder revealed the assassin's brutal methods.
26. The assassin blended into the crowd before anyone noticed.
27. The king's death was the work of a highly skilled assassin.
28. The prime minister was targeted by assassins.
29. The mission of the assassin was a success.
30. Police thwarted the would-be assassin's plot.
31. Her bodyguards protected her from the assassin.
32. Only an experienced assassin could have pulled off the crime.
33. The court jester turned out to be the assassin in disguise.
34. The bullet struck the military leader, but failed to kill him, only wounding the would-be assassin.
35. The assassin used poisons and knives as weapons.
36. The assassin struck at dawn.
37. The assassin was sentenced to death for the political murder.
38. The assassin killed the mob boss' enemy.
39. The assassin had a knife and a gun concealed on his person.
40. The politician lived in fear of assassins.
41. To catch the assassin, the detectives set up an ambush.
42. The dictator took extra security precautions against potential assassins.
43. The assassin's lightning-quick reflexes saved his life.
44. The nobles plotted to hire an assassin to kill the king.
45. They believed the assassin had international connections.
46. The assassin snuck in through a second-story window.
47. The assassins were trained in acting normal to avoid detection.
48. A rookie assassin bungled the hit job.
49. The senator's bodyguards foiled the assassin's plot.
50. The assassin acted alone and left no clues behind.
51. The dashing actor turned out to be a skilled assassin.
52. The assassin mutated before their eyes into a hideous monster.
53. The undercover agents eventually uncovered the assassin's identity.
54. The police finally caught up with the notorious assassin.
55. The victim never saw his assassin coming.
56. The assassin was known for performing seemingly impossible feats.
57. Assassins stalked the city's streets by night.
58. The nation lived in fear of foreign assassins.
59. The young assassin became an outlaw after failing his first mission.
60. Assassins in black hoods gathered in the dark alleyway.

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