Assumptionem example sentences

Related (8): assumption, presumption, supposition, conjecture, hypothesis, belief, notion, inference

"Assumptionem" Example Sentences

1. I cannot accept your assumptionem without evidence to support it.
2. His entire argument was based on the faulty assumptionem that all politicians are corrupt.
3. The scientist's research was conducted with the assumptionem that the theory was already proven.
4. His assumptionem of my intentions is completely incorrect.
5. The judge made an assumptionem about the defendant's guilt before all the evidence was presented.
6. Your assumptionem that I have no experience in this field is mistaken.
7. Her assumptionem that her opinion is the only correct one is frustrating.
8. Without consulting the data, any assumptionem about the company's profits would be premature.
9. His assumptionem that all women are emotional is sexist.
10. The team's decision was based on the assumptionem that the market would remain stable.
11. Your assumptionem that I don't care about the environment is unfounded.
12. The professor's research is flawed due to the incorrect assumptionem that all students learn the same way.
13. His assumptionem that all immigrants are criminals is not only false but also offensive.
14. The study was conducted with the assumptionem that the participants would answer honestly.
15. I made the assumptionem that she was lying based on her body language.
16. Your assumptionem that I'm too young to understand politics is condescending.
17. The author's argument rests on the assumptionem that humans are inherently selfish.
18. His assumptionem that all poor people are lazy is ignorant.
19. The experiment failed due to the invalid assumptionem that gravity was not a factor.
20. Your assumptionem that I'm not capable of handling this project is insulting.
21. The athlete's assumptionem that he could win without training proved to be his downfall.
22. Her assumptionem that everyone had heard the news led to confusion among her friends.
23. The politician's argument was based on the assumptionem that all citizens have equal opportunities.
24. Your assumptionem that I'm not interested in the job is incorrect.
25. The teacher's assumptionem that her students knew the material led to a poor performance on the exam.
26. His assumptionem that everyone agreed with his opinion was quickly disproven.
27. The decision to invest in the company was made under the assumptionem that they would continue to grow.
28. Your assumptionem that I'm not capable of being a leader is bias.
29. The researcher's assumptionem that the study would have no ethical issues was later refuted.
30. His assumptionem that everyone was happy with the new policy was naive.

Common Phases

1. Assuming that everything will go according to plan;
2. Making an assumption based on incomplete information;
3. It is a false assumption that all politicians are corrupt;
4. We cannot operate on the assumption that we will have unlimited resources;
5. It is a reasonable assumption that if we invest in the stock market, we will see a return on our investment.

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