Asylum example sentences
Related (1): refugee
asylum (noun) · political asylum (noun) · political asylums (plural noun) · asylums (plural noun)
- the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee:
- shelter or protection from danger:
- an institution for the care of people with mental illness:
refuge, sanctuary, shelter, safety, protection, security, immunity, haven, retreat, sanctum, harbor, oasis, fastness, hideaway, hideout, bolthole, foxhole, den, refuge, sanctuary, shelter, safety, protection, security, immunity, haven, retreat, sanctum, harbor, oasis, fastness, hideaway, hideout, bolthole, foxhole, den, hospital, home, institution, nuthouse, bughouse, bedlam, madhouse, Legal"Asylum" Example Sentences
1. He was committed to a mental asylum.
2. She sought asylum in another country to escape persecution in her home country.
3. The facility provides housing and treatment for individuals with severe mental illnesses at its psychiatric asylum.
4. The abandoned asylum has become a hotspot for paranormal activity and ghost sightings.
5. Many old asylums have been converted into apartments or event spaces.
6. They gave temporary asylum to the refugees fleeing the war-torn country.
7. She applied for political asylum and awaited a decision from the government.
8. They traveled across state lines to seek asylum at the church mission.
9. The patients at the asylum were subjected to cruel and inhumane treatments.
10. Conditions at the overcrowded asylum were deplorable.
11. They fled their home country in search of asylum and a better life abroad.
12. The circus provided asylum for the oddities and freaks who performed in the sideshow.
13. The international committee works to secure asylum placement for displaced persons.
14. The protesters demanded that the government grant asylum to victims of political repression.
15. Many countries will not grant asylum to economic migrants.
16. He sought asylum in the embassy to avoid arrest by the secret police.
17. The hospital administers treatment to mentally ill patients seeking asylum there.
18. The underground railroad helped runaway slaves seek asylum in free states and Canada.
19. The church could provide temporary asylum until they could arrange passage to a safer country.
20. They fled from the soldiers and hid in the church seeking religious asylum.
21. The building had once served as an asylum for the mentally ill but had long since been abandoned.
22. The asylum was located on a remote plot of land far from the city.
23. The compound served as a self-sufficient asylum for its religious extremist inhabitants.
24. He was eventually released from the asylum with a clean bill of mental health.
25. Immigration officials deliberated over whether to grant the refugee asylum.
26. The rebels sought asylum at the American embassy.
27. The feral child had spent her early life raised in isolation before finding asylum in the orphanage.
28. Activists are fighting for more humane treatment of asylum seekers.
29. Canadian law states that immigrants cannot claim asylum at border checkpoints or airports.
30. Stories of cruel treatment of inmates at asylums in the 19th century still haunt us today.
31. The dying woman begged for asylum at the convent.
32. The couple's farm served as an underground railroad stop providing food and temporary asylum.
33. The media attention drew much needed awareness to the plight of asylum seekers.
34. Many families seeking asylum have been separated at the border.
35. The old asylum stood brooding on the hill, a dark reminder of its sinister past.
36. The government is reconsidering its policy towards granting asylum to refugees.
37. They boarded a ship seeking asylum in another country.
38. The government accused them of abusing the asylum system.
39. The politician called for major reforms to the current asylum process.
40. Underground networks help smuggle persecuted people out of their home countries and provide temporary asylum.
41. She requested political asylum and was placed in immigration detention while awaiting a decision.
42. The ragged band of travelers sought asylum from the storm at the old run-down inn.
43. The senator argued that the U.S. should be more welcoming towards asylum seekers.
44. Critics argue that the process for seeking asylum is far too complex and legalistic.
45. She was granted asylum on humanitarian grounds due to the risk of persecution in her home country.
46. Asylum officers conduct interviews to determine the merits of an asylum claim.
47. Thousands of migrants cross the border each year seeking political asylum.
48. The United Nations helps facilitate the resettlement of asylum seekers in safe countries.
49. Many immigrants fleeing dire situations at home must navigate a complex legal process to seek asylum.
50. Advocates call for asylum policies that ensure basic human rights and dignity for all.
51. The facility houses unaccompanied minors seeking asylum who have been separated from their parents.
52. Seeking asylum can be a long and stressful legal process full of uncertainty.
53. Asylum officers determine whether claims meet the strict criteria for granting asylum.
54. Sympathetic allies helped funnel supplies and aid to the rebels seeking asylum in the mountains.
55. Critics argue that many claims for asylum are false and abuse the system.
56. Asylum policies must take into account complex humanitarian and national security concerns.
57. The asylum system strives to balance compassion with measures to prevent fraud and abuse.
58. The prince sought asylum with a neighboring kingdom after his family was overthrown in a coup.
59. She fled her homeland after receiving death threats from political opponents and sought asylum abroad.
60. The overcrowded detention centers housing asylum seekers have been criticized for inhumane conditions.
Common Phases
1. He sought political asylum in a foreign country to escape persecution in his home country.
2. She spent her childhood in an orphan asylum after losing both parents.
3. The group of refugees were taken to a temporary asylum center set up by the Red Cross.
4. The old abandoned house felt like an asylum, with dark corridors and creaking floorboards.
5. The inmates at the county mental asylum led bleak and miserable lives.
6. He escaped from the high-security mental asylum by tunneling under the walls.
7. Seeking asylum is a long complicated process that can take years to be approved.
8. They fled their war-torn country seeking political asylum in the United States.
9. The crowded refugee camp functioned as a temporary asylum for the displaced families.
10. The old mansion had become an asylum for the mentally ill.
11. We finally gave asylum to the homeless kitten, letting him live in our garage.
12. The poorly funded orphan asylum struggled to provide even basic necessities for the children.
13. They built a secret hideaway that served as an asylum during times of war and conflict.
14. She worked as a nurse at a large mental asylum for 30 years.
15. The church offered sanctuary and asylum to those fleeing religious persecution.
16. Many Jewish refugees sought asylum in the U.S. during World War II.
17. He found solace and brief asylum on the porch swing, hiding from his troubles.
18. The abandoned factory provided temporary asylum from the sudden downpour.
19. The ancient monastery served as an asylum for travelers and pilgrims.
20. They were forced to flee their country, seeking asylum and refuge in Europe.
21. His troubled mind found temporary asylum in music and books.
22. The ghost story mentioned an old asylum for the criminally insane located in the wood.
23. Hospitals and asylum centers began receiving patients experiencing symptoms of an unknown disease.
24. Many immigrants are denied political asylum despite legitimate reasons to flee their home countries.
25. His foolish words gave him temporary asylum from seriousness and responsibility.
26. The survivors of the natural disaster were taken to a government asylum center.
27. They desperately need food, shelter and temporary asylum in the face of this humanitarian disaster.
28. The crew found temporary asylum from the storm inside the small cave on the island.
29. His tortured consciousness found asylum from reality in dreams and fantasies.
30. The persecuted people sought political asylum far from their oppressive regime.
31. She avoided reality by seeking brief asylum in a fantasy world of books and movies.
32. They hid in the attic, where they found temporary asylum from the advancing troops.
33. Her eccentric uncle lived in an abandoned asylum where he cared for stray cats.
34. The forest provided temporary asylum from the fighting in the city.
35. The five-year-old boy recently taken into political asylum had faced unspeakable horrors.
36. The victims of the tornado were provided immediate temporary asylum along with food and medical care.
37. The cave provided brief asylum from the bitter mountain wind.
38. The old abbey had long served as an asylum for the poor and needy.
39. The fugitives found brief asylum in the empty warehouse before continuing their escape.
40. His story provided brief asylum from the harsh realities of life.
41. The small country offered political asylum to people fleeing oppression elsewhere.
42. They sought temporary asylum within the walls of the ancient fortress.
43. Critics argued that the U.S. had become too selective in granting political asylum.
44. Activists called for an increase in the number of refugees granted political asylum.
45. The frail boat provided temporary asylum from the raging sea.
46. The village offered temporary asylum to refugees fleeing the violence.
47. The victims received healthcare, shelter, and asylum at a nearby government facility.
48. The tiny island offered them brief asylum from the storm.
49. The abandoned cottage provided temporary asylum from the relentless snowstorm.
50. Music provided brief asylum from her painful thoughts.
51. Activists fight for fairer treatment of asylum seekers around the world.
52. They were granted political asylum and allowed to remain in the country indefinitely.
53. Work became his only asylum from his troubles.
54. He found temporary asylum from his turbulent thoughts in gardening.
55. The monastery had long served as an asylum for those fleeing persecution.
56. The cave offered shelter and temporary asylum during the storm.
57. They mistakenly took refuge in an abandoned mental asylum.
58. Many fled their homes in search of asylum from the violence.
59. His troubled mind found asylum in his writing.
60. The island will remain an asylum for her until the hurricane passes.
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