Attorneypower example sentences

Related (15): lawyer, authority, command, barrister, control, solicitor, jurisdiction, mandate, influence, rights, advocate, domination, rule, mastery, supremacy.

"Attorneypower" Example Sentences

1. The attorneypower of attorney is a legal document that gives a person the power to act on behalf of another person.
2. Attorneypower is an important concept in the legal field, as it allows attorneys to act on behalf of their clients.
3. Attorneypower can be used to make legal decisions, sign documents, and represent clients in court.
4. In some cases, attorneypower may be limited or restricted by specific legal statutes or regulations.
5. The attorneypower of a lawyer can be revoked or terminated if the client chooses to do so.
6. Attorneypower is an important legal tool that allows lawyers to advocate for their clients in various legal situations.
7. A durable power of attorney allows a person to maintain attorneypower even if they become incapacitated or unable to make decisions.
8. The scope of attorneypower can vary depending on the specific legal situation and the needs of the client.
9. Attorneypower can be granted through a legal contract or agreement known as a power of attorney.
10. An attorney-in-fact is a person who is authorized to exercise attorneypower on behalf of someone else.
11. Attorneypower is not absolute and must be exercised in accordance with ethical guidelines and professional standards.
12. A power of attorney can be general or specific, depending on the level of attorneypower granted.
13. An agent with attorneypower is responsible for acting in the best interests of the person they represent.
14. Attorneypower can be transferred or assigned to another person if the original attorney is unable to fulfill their duties.
15. The amount of attorneypower granted to an agent can be limited or expanded as needed.
16. An attorney with attorneypower must act within the scope of their authority and in the best interests of their client.
17. Attorneypower can be revoked or suspended if the attorney breaches their ethical obligations or legal responsibilities.
18. A power of attorney can be used to provide attorneypower to a person for a specific period of time or until a specific event occurs.
19. Attorneypower granted through a power of attorney can be restricted or limited based on the wishes of the grantor.
20. Attorneypower can be granted to multiple agents or attorneys to provide redundancy and backup in case of incapacity or unavailability.
21. Attorneypower can be used to make financial decisions, manage property, and carry out legal transactions.
22. An attorney with attorneypower must act with honesty, integrity, and a duty of loyalty to the client.
23. A power of attorney can be used for a one-time transaction or a continuous arrangement granting ongoing attorneypower.
24. Attorneypower can be exercised both in and out of court depending on the specific legal situation.
25. Attorneypower can be granted to family members, friends, or trusted advisors depending on the circumstances.
26. Attorneypower can be granted to attorneys, accountants, or other professionals who have specialized knowledge or skills.
27. An attorney-in-fact with attorneypower must act in accordance with the grantor's wishes, even if those wishes conflict with the agent's personal beliefs or interests.
28. Attorneypower can be granted to multiple agents with overlapping or conflicting powers to provide a system of checks and balances.
29. A person with attorneypower must keep accurate records of all legal transactions and decisions made on behalf of the grantor.
30. Attorneypower can be revoked or modified at any time by the grantor, as long as they are legally capable of making such decisions.

Common Phases

1. The attorneypower granted to me by my client allowed me to negotiate a better settlement.
2. The attorneypower given to the defense attorney was evident in their winning argument.
3. I had to use my attorneypower to convince the judge of my client's innocence.
4. With attorneypower on my side, I was able to navigate the complicated legal system.
5. The attorneypower wielded by the prosecution made it difficult to mount a successful defense.

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