Aubergines example sentences

Related (12): purple, eggplant, vegetable, nightshade, melanzane, brinjal, baingan, ratatouille, stuffed, grilled, fried, roasted.

"Aubergines" Example Sentences

1. I love cooking with aubergines because of their rich flavor.
2. The grilled aubergines were the perfect addition to our summer BBQ.
3. My favorite way to prepare aubergines is roasted with garlic and olive oil.
4. The vegetarian lasagna was packed with flavorful aubergines.
5. I always make sure to pick up fresh aubergines from the market for my ratatouille recipe.
6. The spicy Thai curry included tender aubergines in every bite.
7. The creamy eggplant dip was made with roasted aubergines and tahini.
8. The stuffed aubergines were a hit at our dinner party.
9. The Mediterranean vegetable salad was bursting with colorful aubergines.
10. I couldn't resist the crispy fried aubergines on the appetizer menu.
11. The sweet and smoky roasted aubergines were the star of the dish.
12. The roasted aubergine and tomato sauce was the perfect topping for our pasta.
13. The aubergine parmigiana was a classic Italian dish that always satisfied.
14. The grilled aubergine and feta salad was simple, yet delicious.
15. The spicy aubergine and chickpea stew was perfect for a cold winter evening.
16. The whole roasted aubergine with tahini was a stunning centerpiece for our dinner table.
17. The roasted aubergine and lentil soup was the perfect lunch for a chilly day.
18. The sautéed aubergines added a savory element to the vegetable stir-fry.
19. The aubergine and goat cheese tart was a delicious appetizer.
20. The crispy aubergine fries were a fun alternative to traditional French fries.
21. The roasted aubergine and red pepper dip was a crowd-pleaser at our get-together.
22. The spicy aubergine and tofu stir-fry was a favorite among our vegan friends.
23. The creamy aubergine and mushroom risotto was the ultimate comfort food.
24. The aubergine and chorizo stew was a hearty and flavorful meal.
25. The roasted aubergine and chickpea salad was a healthy and satisfying lunch option.
26. The baked aubergine and tomato gratin was a family favorite.
27. The aubergine and lentil curry had just the right amount of spice and flavor.
28. The aubergine and halloumi skewers were a fun and tasty appetizer.
29. The classic Greek moussaka included layers of flavorful aubergines.
30. The spicy aubergine and beef stir-fry was a delicious and filling dinner option.

Common Phases

1. I love the taste of aubergines in my ratatouille; it adds such a rich and distinct flavor.
2. How do you prepare your aubergines for grilling; do you slice them lengthwise or crosswise?
3. Aubergines are a staple in Mediterranean cuisine; they are used in dips, stews, and even in desserts.
4. My mom makes the best moussaka with aubergines; it's one of my favorite dishes.
5. Have you tried roasting aubergines for a sandwich; it's a great vegetarian alternative to meat.
6. A simple dish of grilled aubergines, tomatoes, and mozzarella makes for a delicious appetizer.
7. Baba ganoush, a Middle Eastern dip made with aubergines, is one of my go-to snacks.
8. When roasting aubergines, it's important to prick them with a fork to prevent them from exploding.
9. Aubergines are high in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants; making them a nutritious addition to any meal.
10. A creamy pasta sauce made with blended aubergines and cashews is a vegan alternative to alfredo sauce.

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