Aureolae example sentences

Related (9): halo, radiance, glory, nimbus, aura, luminance, brilliance, corona, crown

"Aureolae" Example Sentences

1. The saint in the painting is depicted with a halo of aureolae around his head.
2. The woman claimed to have seen a ring of aureolae around her aura during meditation.
3. The angelic figures in the stained-glass window were adorned with golden aureolae.
4. The goddess was depicted in ancient Greek art with aureolae that symbolized her power.
5. The painting's central figure was surrounded by a haze of vividly colored aureolae.
6. The mystic claimed to see auras that were filled with swirling aureolae of aura colors.
7. The medieval religious texts spoke of saints and holy figures being adorned with gleaming aureolae.
8. The man reported seeing bright aureolae surrounding the trees in the forest during a psychedelic experience.
9. The shaman described having visions of angelic beings with glowing aureolae and benevolent faces.
10. The artist used intricate brushstrokes to depict the aureolae around the heads of the religious figures in his paintings.
11. The new age movement popularized the use of crystals to enhance the aura's natural aureolae.
12. The psychic claimed to see a person's fortune by reading the colors of their aura's aureolae.
13. The medieval paintings depicted biblical scenes with the characters adorned in aureolae to signify their divine status.
14. The woman claimed to have seen ghosts with creepy aureolae surrounding them in her bedroom.
15. The mystic saw crosses made of aureolae floating above the crowds during a religious procession.
16. The witch burned herbs to cleanse herself of negative energies and enhance the aura's natural aureolae.
17. The man claimed to have seen a UFO flickering with multi-colored aureolae hovering above his house.
18. The reiki master used her hands to manipulate the aura's natural aureolae and promote healing.
19. The monastic texts spoke of the aura's divine aureolae as a gift from God and a sign of spiritual power.
20. The new age store sold aura candles that claimed to enhance the aura's natural aureolae to promote well-being.
21. The woman claimed to have seen fairies with shimmering aureolae dancing in her garden at night.
22. The mystic saw an apparition of Jesus with a crown of thorns and a glowing aureola above his head.
23. The crystal healer placed stones around the client's aura to enhance the body's natural aureolae and promote balance.
24. The saint in the tapestry was depicted with a net of aureolae surrounding his body, symbolizing his spiritual power.
25. The woman claimed to have seen a cloud of aureolae around her friend's body when he became angry.
26. The mystic saw auras with multicolored aureolae that vibrated in sync with the person's energy level.
27. The shaman used a drum to induce a trance-like state and ancient chants to enhance the aura's natural aureolae.
28. The new age community believed that the aura's natural aureolae could be enhanced by practicing meditation and yoga.
29. The nun painted icons with glowing aureolae around the holy figures to inspire worshippers and promote spirituality.
30. The artist added aureolae to the faces of the fictional characters in her illustrations to add depth and symbolism to the images.

Common Phases

1. The angel's aureolae shimmered in the bright light; the sight was breathtaking.
2. The statue's halo was replaced with a golden aureolae; it looked regal.
3. The saint's aureolae glowed in the dimly lit church; it was a peaceful sight.
4. The woman's long hair framed her aureolae perfectly; she looked ethereal.
5. The sun's rays highlighted the trees, creating an aureolae effect; it was a beautiful day.
6. The moon's light created an aureolae around the clouds; it was a sight to behold.
7. The dancer's movements were graceful and her aureolae seemed to move with her; it was mesmerizing.

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