Auscultations example sentences

Related (5): stethoscope, murmurs, bruits, palpitations, arrhythmias.

"Auscultations" Example Sentences

1. The doctor performed auscultations on the patient's chest.
2. During the exam, the physician listened carefully with the aid of auscultations.
3. Modern stethoscopes have improved the accuracy of auscultations.
4. The nurse recorded the results of each of the physician's auscultations.
5. The medical student struggled to hear correctly during her first auscultations.
6. An important part of any physical examination is making accurate auscultations.
7. The cardiologist conducted multiple auscultations to diagnose the patient's heart condition.
8. The veterinarian used specialized equipment to perform auscultations on the animal.
9. During the primary care visit, the doctor performed auscultations on the patient's lung function.
10. The radiologist used a stethoscope to perform auscultations on the abdomen during an ultrasound.
11. Good auscultations require not only listening skills but also experience and knowledge.
12. The physician's auscultations revealed a heart murmur that required further testing.
13. The patient felt reassured after hearing the detailed results of the auscultations.
14. The pulmonary function test included several different types of auscultations.
15. The medical team conducted auscultations throughout the patient's surgery to monitor their condition.
16. The pediatrician performed auscultations on the infant during their routine checkup.
17. A thorough examination of the lungs includes visual assessments as well as auscultations.
18. The doctor ordered additional auscultations after noticing irregularities in the patient's breathing patterns.
19. In some cases, auscultations can reveal signs of pneumonia before other symptoms appear.
20. The emergency room team conducted rapid auscultations on the critically ill patient.
21. The physical therapist used auscultations to accurately assess the patient's muscle movement.
22. The student nurse carefully observed the experienced practitioner's auscultations.
23. Proper technique is essential for accurate and reliable auscultations.
24. The physician listened carefully during the auscultations to detect even subtle changes in the patient's condition.
25. The pulmonologist conducted auscultations on the patient before and after administering medication.
26. The ICU team used regular auscultations to ensure that the patient was stable and monitored effectively.
27. The animal hospital employed several specialized staff members to perform auscultations on a variety of animals.
28. The physician's auscultations revealed that the patient's condition was much worse than previously suspected.
29. Detailed auscultations are especially important for patients with underlying heart or lung conditions.
30. The physical therapist included thorough auscultations in their treatment plan to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Common Phases

you have any auscultations to perform?;
using a stethoscope, I heard abnormal breath sounds during my auscultation of the patient's lungs;
the doctor performed an auscultation of the patient's heart to detect any irregularities;
during the auscultation of the bowel sounds, the doctor noticed some abnormality;
the nurse needed to perform an auscultation of the patient's blood pressure as part of the routine check-up;
the auscultation of the patient's speech revealed a hoarse tone, indicating a possible issue with the vocal cords;
the doctor ordered an auscultation of the patient's abdomen to rule out any potential issues.

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