Aviatrix example sentences

Related (4): pilot, aviator, airwoman, flyer

"Aviatrix" Example Sentences

1. Bessie Coleman was the first African American aviatrix.
2. The groundbreaking aviatrix Amelia Earhart vanished over the Pacific Ocean.
3. The local airport has a statue of a famous aviatrix as a tribute to her accomplishments.
4. My aunt was an aviatrix in the 1950s and flew planes for a living.
5. I met a retired aviatrix at a dinner party who told me all about her adventures.
6. The aviatrix navigated through a stormy night and landed safely in the morning.
7. The young girl dreamed of becoming an aviatrix when she grew up.
8. Samantha felt inspired by the story of the famous aviatrix and decided to take flying lessons.
9. The first aviatrix to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean was Amelia Earhart in 1932.
10. Karen was often called the "Queen of the Air" as she was a skilled aviatrix.
11. The aviatrix was determined to break the world record for the highest altitude flown by a woman.
12. The aviatrix was pleased with herself for successfully completing her first solo flight.
13. The aviatrix's bravery and skill led her to be an inspiration for women all over the world.
14. Many young girls saw the aviatrix as a role model for pursuing their dreams.
15. The aviatrix's plane was equipped with the latest technology to ensure a smooth and safe flight.
16. Maryse Bastié was a famous French aviatrix who set numerous world records.
17. The aviatrix's career spanned over several decades, and she remained dedicated to flying until the end of her life.
18. The aviatrix appeared on the cover of several magazines, including "Flying" and "Aviation Weekly."
19. The aviatrix's favorite aircraft was the vintage Lockheed Electra, the same model flown by Amelia Earhart.
20. The aviatrix's courage and determination were evident in her willingness to take on difficult challenges and overcome them.
21. The aviatrix was known for her precision and accuracy when performing aerial stunts and maneuvers.
22. The aviatrix's husband was also a pilot, and together they formed an aviation company that provided services for various industries.
23. The aviatrix's family was supportive of her career and often attended her airshows and events.
24. The aviatrix's legacy lived on through the establishment of a scholarship foundation in her name.
25. The aviatrix's autobiography was a bestseller, and it revealed the struggles and triumphs of her life in aviation.
26. The aviatrix's infectious enthusiasm for flying inspired many young people to pursue careers in aviation.
27. The aviatrix's love for the sky and all things related to flying was clear in the way she described her experiences.
28. The aviatrix's adventurous spirit led her to explore different parts of the world by air, including remote islands and deserts.
29. The aviatrix's accomplishments paved the way for future generations of women in aviation.
30. The aviatrix's name was added to the National Aviation Hall of Fame as a tribute to her contributions to the field.

Common Phases

1. The aviatrix soared through the clouds with ease;
2. Her passion for flying was evident in every graceful maneuver;
3. As an aviatrix, she was a pioneer in a male-dominated field;
4. From a young age, she dreamed of becoming an aviatrix;
5. Many were inspired by the aviatrix's daring spirit and determination;
6. The aviatrix faced numerous challenges, but never lost her love of flying;
7. To the aviatrix, the sky was a canvas waiting to be painted with her wings;
8. The aviatrix's legacy left an indelible mark on the world of aviation;
9. Her fans eagerly followed every move of the aviatrix's career;
10. With her trusty plane and unyielding spirit, the aviatrix conquered the skies.

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