Awedly example sentences
awed (adjective)
- filled with awe or wonder:
awed (past tense) · awed (past participle)
- inspire with awe:
wonderstruck, awestruck, amazed, astonished, reverential, terrified, afraid, fearful, wonderstruck, awestruck, amazed, astonished, reverential, terrified, afraid, fearful"Awedly" Example Sentences
1. She has an awedly important meeting with her boss today.2. He stared awedly at the beautiful sunset.
3. The awedly decorated hall took her breath away.
4. The child looked awedly at the giant elephant at the zoo.
5. The awedly intricate design of the snowflake was mesmerizing.
6. The awedly fragile vase was displayed in a glass cabinet.
7. She spoke awedly of her grandfather’s bravery in the war.
8. The awedly grandiose palace was fit for a king.
9. The awedly high jump made the crowd gasp in disbelief.
10. The awedly steep mountain trail was challenging to climb.
11. He drove awedly through the winding roads of the countryside.
12. The awedly massive ship was a sight to behold.
13. The awedly delicate butterfly fluttered its wings gracefully.
14. The awedly powerful wave crashed onto the shore relentlessly.
15. She sang awedly, captivating the audience with her beautiful voice.
16. The awedly disastrous outcome of the project was unforeseeable.
17. The awedly terrifying thunderstorm kept her up all night.
18. The awedly majestic lion roared loudly in the safari park.
19. The awedly specialized equipment made his job much easier.
20. She fell awedly in love with the handsome photographer.
21. The awedly ancient ruins were a fascinating sight to see.
22. The awedly rare species of bird was spotted in the forest.
23. The awedly intense workout left her feeling exhausted but accomplished.
24. The awedly intricate puzzle took him hours to solve.
25. The awedly exquisite paintings in the gallery were worth millions.
26. The awedly dramatic movie had the audience on the edge of their seats.
27. The awedly shocking news left everyone in disbelief.
28. The awedly dangerous stunt performer amazed the crowd with his skills.
29. The awedly elaborate costume made her stand out at the Halloween party.
30. The awedly impressive acrobat performed daring tricks without any safety gear.
Common Phases
1. The weather was awedly dreadful; it was pouring rain and howling winds.2. She sang awedly beautifully; her voice soaring through the auditorium.
3. The movie was awedly scary; I was gripping the armrests in terror the entire time.
4. The food was awedly delicious; I savoured every bite.
5. The view from the mountaintop was awedly breathtaking; I felt like I was on top of the world.
6. His performance on the football field was awedly impressive; he scored two touchdowns and had several tackles.
7. The traffic was awedly chaotic; cars honking and swerving in every direction.
8. The hike was awedly challenging; we had to climb steep cliffs and rugged terrain.
9. The test was awedly difficult; I struggled to answer even the simplest questions.
10. The fireworks display was awedly spectacular; colourful explosions lighting up the night sky.
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