Awhile example sentences
Related (11): time, duration, moment, interval, spell, stretch, patch, stint, period, span, while
"Awhile" Example Sentences
1. I sat on the porch for awhile and watched the sunset.
2. Let's sit down and rest for awhile.
3. We talked for awhile before heading home.
4. I stayed at the beach for awhile after everyone else had left.
5. We hadn't seen each other for awhile, so we had a lot to catch up on.
6. The movie was so good that we forgot the time for awhile.
7. He got lost in his work for awhile and didn't hear the phone ring.
8. I'll be with you in just awhile, I want to finish this first.
9. She enjoyed sitting in the garden for awhile each morning with a cup of tea.
10. I need to sit down and rest for awhile after that long walk.
11. The kids played for awhile then came inside for supper.
12. I haven't seen that TV show in awhile, but I used to like it.
13. After running all day, her feet were sore, so she sat down for awhile.
14. They stayed up talking for awhile after everyone else went to bed.
15. I faded out of the conversation for awhile and let my mind wander.
16. He sat on the dock and skipped rocks across the pond for awhile.
17. She stared out the window for awhile, lost deep in thought.
18. The little girl sat quietly coloring for awhile this morning.
19. The puppy chased its own tail for awhile before falling asleep.
20. I could listen to that song on repeat for awhile, it never gets old.
21. She looked through old photo albums for awhile, remembering the past.
22. We lounged by the pool for awhile after finishing lunch.
23. He walked around the zoo for awhile before deciding what to see first.
24. The little boy played with his trucks for awhile before asking for a snack.
25. I sat quietly in the library for awhile, soaking in the peaceful surroundings.
26. We walked along the beach for awhile, letting the waves lap at our feet.
27. I listened to some music for awhile to help me relax and unwind.
28. After practicing for hours, he sat down at the piano for awhile and just improvised.
29. She stared at the painting for awhile, noticing details she hadn't seen before.
30. I stayed up late reading for awhile, unable to put the book down.
31. He closed his eyes for awhile and listened to the rain falling outside.
32. She daydreamed for awhile before snapping back to reality.
33. The visitors walked through the gardens for awhile before returning to the visitors center.
34. He sat and watched the squirrels chase each other for awhile.
35. The puppy chewed on her bone for awhile before settling down for a nap.
36. I knitted for awhile and let my mind wander to happier times.
37. The toddler played peekaboo with me for awhile before getting bored.
38. We walked around the museum for awhile, admiring all the artifacts.
39. She stared off into space for awhile, lost in deep thought.
40. The little boy played with his blocks for awhile before moving to his trains.
41. Traffic slowed to a standstill for awhile due to an accident up ahead.
42. We sat on the porch and watched the rain for awhile.
43. The children played hide and seek for awhile in the backyard.
44. I journaled for awhile and wrote down all the things I was grateful for.
45. Her mind wandered for awhile as she stared out the airplane window.
46. They sat at the table talking over coffee for awhile before realizing how late it had gotten.
47. The puppy chewed on his bone for awhile and then settled down for a nap.
48. I stared at the waves crashing for awhile, mesmerized by their rhythm.
49. The garden sparkled in the morning dew for awhile before the sun climbed higher.
50. I picked a few wildflowers and sat by the creek for awhile.
51. I rested my feet for awhile and rubbed the soreness out of my calves.
52. We walked along the promenade for awhile and people-watched.
53. The toddlers played peekaboo with each other for awhile.
54. The cat napped in the sun for awhile before standing up and stretching.
55. The little girl sat and colored for awhile before asking for a snack.
56. The stormy clouds gathered for awhile before unleashing the rain.
57. The little boy played cars for awhile before switching to Legos.
58. I admired the view for awhile from the scenic overlook.
59. The puppy chewed on his bone for awhile before settling in for a nap.
60. Traffic slowed to a near stop for awhile due to a wreck up ahead.
Common Phases
1. I'm going to sit here awhile and finish my coffee.
2. Let's stay outside awhile and enjoy the nice weather.
3. We sat on the porch and talked awhile after dinner.
4. I haven't seen Justin in awhile, I wonder what he's been up to.
5. My grandparents came to stay with us awhile this summer.
6. The students rested their feet awhile before continuing on the field trip.
7. I'll wait here awhile and see if Rick shows up.
8. We walked around the park awhile before heading home.
9. I haven't ridden a bike in awhile, I bet I'll be wobbly at first.
10. The man sat on the bench awhile, watching people go by.
11. She stayed at home awhile to recover from her illness.
12. We played some more music awhile longer before calling it a night.
13. I'll keep trying to fix this, I'll give it awhile longer.
14. I stood under the hot water awhile, letting it soothe my sore muscles.
15. She lay in bed awhile, unable to fall back asleep.
16. We sat quietly awhile, listening to the rain fall.
17. The puppy chased his tail awhile before cuddling up for a nap.
18. The children played on the swings awhile before heading inside for lunch.
19. I sat staring at the wall awhile, trying to gather my thoughts.
20. She lay awake thinking awhile before finally falling asleep.
21. We watched the sunset awhile before heading home in the dusk.
22. He worked on the puzzle awhile before giving up in frustration.
23. They sat chatting awhile after finishing their dinner.
24. I browsed the bookstore awhile before finally making a purchase.
25. He stayed outside awhile, enjoying the fresh air.
26. She sat on the porch swing awhile, enjoying the cool evening.
27. The two friends caught up on each other's lives awhile over coffee.
28. I sat staring at my computer screen awhile, unable to focus.
29. She leaned back in the rocking chair awhile, enjoying the peace and quiet.
30. Let's just sit here awhile, listening to the waves crash on the shore.
31. I ate my ice cream slowly, savoring every bite awhile longer.
32. I stared at the painting awhile, admiring the colors and shapes.
33. The kitten played with the ball of yarn awhile before curling up for a nap.
34. I stayed in the garden awhile longer, digging in the dirt.
35. They walked around the downtown area awhile before finding a place to eat.
36. I sat cross-legged on the floor awhile, reading my favorite book.
37. We sat staring at the campfire awhile, listening to the crackling logs.
38. I want to lie here awhile longer and listen to the birds singing.
39. The elderly couple sat holding hands awhile, watching the sunset.
40. I sat staring at the wall awhile, trying to focus my swirling thoughts.
41. I lay awake in bed awhile, thinking about the day.
42. She sat looking out the window awhile, lost in thought.
43. He stared at the page awhile, having trouble absorbing the difficult text.
44. I sat in the park awhile, enjoying the springtime blossoms.
45. I swayed gently on the porch swing awhile, relaxing after a long day.
46. We walked along the beach awhile, enjoying the fresh ocean air.
47. They sat holding hands awhile, savoring the quiet time together.
48. I stood under the Jacuzzi jet awhile longer, letting the water ease my aching muscles.
49. The boy sat building towers with blocks awhile before going outside to play.
50. We sat in comfortable silence awhile, enjoying each other's company.
51. I stood in the shower awhile longer, letting the hot water wash away my worries.
52. I watched the children play tag in the yard awhile, enjoying their innocent joy.
53. We sat quietly awhile after breakfast, savoring our cup of tea.
54. I stared at the ocean waves crashing ashore awhile, mesmerized by the rhythmic motion.
55. They sat on the front porch swing awhile, enjoying the soothing sound of crickets chirping.
56. I contemplated the difficult question awhile longer, trying to come up with an answer.
57. I'll stay here atop this hill awhile, watching the sun sink below the horizon.
58. The puppy pounced on the ball awhile before tiring of the game.
59. I sat on the dock awhile, watching the boats drift lazily by.
60. We lay silently in each other's arms awhile longer, savoring the peaceful moment.