Babbled example sentences

Related (7): gibbered, chattered, prattled, gossiped, blabbered, yammered, maundered

"Babbled" Example Sentences

1. The baby babbled and cooed as I picked him up.
2. The frazzled young mother babbled on about her crying baby and chores that needed to be done.
3. The intoxicated man babbled incoherently and stumbled as he walked.
4. The little stream babbled through the forest as it wound its way down the hillside.
5. The old woman babbled nonsense as her memory faded.
6. The panicked witness babbled and spoke so fast the police had trouble understanding him.
7. The tourist babbled excitedly about seeing all the famous sights.
8. The exhausted candidate babbled on in a nonsensical fashion during her speech.
9. I heard the stream babbling endlessly as I walked through the woods.
10. The injured man babbled deliriously as the nurse tried to calm him.
11. The heated debaters babbled over each other, neither listening nor conceding any point.
12. The overjoyed children babbled in excitement when they saw their gifts under the tree.
13. The client babbled out incoherent details of his story, making it impossible to follow.
14. The witness babbled so much that the lawyer couldn't get a straight story out of him.
15. The campers heard the distant sound of water babbled over stones as they hiked through the woods.
16. The professor babbled on about theories and concepts that few of the students understood.
17. The frightened witness babbled so incoherently that the police had trouble determining the facts.
18. The toddler babbled at his parents in a language they couldn't understand.
19. The excited child babbled incomprehensibly as she showed me her new toys.
20. The tour guide babbled constantly, sharing useless facts and stories with the bored group.
21. The professor babbled on and on about tangential topics seemingly losing track of his original point.
22. The speaker babbled incomprehensibly due to a combination of nerves and lack of preparation.
23. The brook babbled happily as it rushed over the mossy stones under the trees.
24. The man babbled nonsense as the fever gripped him strongly.
25. The stream babbled and rushed noisily over the rocks as it wound through the woods.
26. The child babbled happily to her imaginary friend as her parents looked on with amusement.
27. The retired man babbled continuously about the same old stories, wearing out his listeners.
28. The over-tired candidate babbled incoherently during her late-night interview.
29. The little stream babbled and chattered in its rocky bed as it hurried toward the river.
30. The excited witness babbled so rapidly that the police had trouble following what she said.
31. The leaking pipe babbled endlessly, the sound driving the homeowner crazy.
32. The frightened woman babbled about threats and dangers that no one else could see.
33. The happy toddler babbled nonsense at her parents who smiled and nodded indulgently.
34. The politician babbled on about irrelevant topics, unable to answer the interviewer's questions directly.
35. The little rill babbled and gossiped as it hurried over the smooth stones.
36. The old man babbled endlessly about the same tedious stories, wearing out his long-suffering family.
37. The babbling brook sang happily as it rushed over its rocky bed into the valley below.
38. The frazzled mother babbled incoherently to the doctor as she described her child's symptoms.
39. The little creek babbled secrets to itself as it rushed onward.
40. The excited tourists babbled happily in various languages as they toured the beautiful city.
41. The babbling stream chattered joyfully as it hurried downhill.
42. The drunken man babbled nonsense, unable to form coherent speech.
43. The young child babbled nonsense at her parents who smiled and played along.
44. The little brook babbled and sang to itself as it rushed over the worn stones.
45. The politician babbled endlessly about trivial issues, avoiding answering the tough questions.
46. The delighted children babbled in excitement as they unwrapped their gifts on Christmas morning.
47. The stream babbled happily as it danced over the smooth stones on its way to the river.
48. The frightened witness babbled so rapidly the police couldn't determine the actual facts of the story.
49. The man babbled nonsense as the fever gripped him.
50. The babbling brook tinkled merrily as it rushed between its mossy banks.
51. The child babbled nonsense at her parents who smiled indulgently.
52. The excited toddler babbled incomprehensibly as he gestured excitedly at his new toys.
53. The brook babbled happily as it rushed over the smooth stones.
54. The young woman babbled hysterically, unable to describe what she had seen clearly.
55. The small creek babbled secrets as it rushed on its way to the larger river.
56. The old woman babbled nonsense as her dementia advanced.
57. The little brook babbled happily as it rushed over the smooth stones along its path.
58. The excited tourists babbled happily in their various languages as they explored the beautiful city.
59. The stream babbled joyfully as it hurried over the smooth rocks.
60. The old man babbled endlessly about the same tedious stories, wearing out the patience of his poor family.

Common Phases

1. Babbled incoherently
2. Babbled nonsense
3. Babbling brook
4. Babbled on
5. Babbled excitedly
6. Babbled hysterically
7. Babbled deliriously
8. Babbled endlessly
9. Babbled constantly
10. Babbled happily

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