Baby's example sentences
"Baby's" Example Sentences
1. The baby's crying woke me up in the middle of the night.
2. The baby's room needs to be painted before we bring her home from the hospital.
3. The baby's first birthday party was so cute!
4. The baby's tiny fingers wrapped around my thumb.
5. The baby's gurgling laugh fills my heart with joy.
6. I changed the baby's diaper and rocked her to sleep.
7. The baby's onesie was covered in spit-up.
8. The baby's first taste of sweet potatoes was hilarious!
9. The baby's nursery is decorated with soft pastel colors and fluffy animals.
10. I warmed the baby's bottle before giving it to her.
11. The baby's foot kicked me as I changed her diaper.
12. The baby's favorite stuffed animal is a fuzzy brown teddy bear.
13. The baby's bouncy seat kept her entertained while I cooked dinner.
14. The baby's first steps were so exciting!
15. The baby's first tooth finally broke through the gums this week.
16. I sang the baby's favorite lullaby to help her fall asleep.
17. The baby's small hands grasped my finger when I held her.
18. The baby's first cold was miserable, with lots of sneezing and coughing.
19. The baby's first attempts at speaking are so sweet.
20. I read the baby's favorite bedtime story before tucking her in.
21. The baby's newborn hat kept her ears warm.
22. I created a baby album filled with the baby's first year pictures and mementos.
23. The baby's lovies - pacifier and blanket - comfort her when she's upset.
24. The baby's first laugh brought tears of joy to my eyes.
25. The baby's babbling sounds so adorable.
26. The baby's first bath was a messy affair!
27. The baby's first steps bring such immense pride.
28. The baby's highchair keeps her safely contained during mealtimes.
29. The baby's first haircut is always bittersweet.
30. The baby's squeals of delight fill the room.
31. The baby's weight and height are charted monthly at the pediatrician's office.
32. The baby's first snowfall was absolutely magical.
33. The baby's infant car seat buckled securely into the base kept her safe on our trip.
34. We celebrated the baby's first Christmas with special family traditions.
35. The baby's new crib awaits her arrival home from the hospital.
36. The baby's first words are so special.
37. The baby's tiny socks were too cute!
38. The baby's growth spurt meant new clothes were needed.
39. The baby's first smile melted my heart.
40. The baby's favorite stuffed animal is a soft yellow duck.
41. I put sunscreen on the baby's sensitive skin before we went outside.
42. The baby's first signs of independence warms my mama heart.
43. The baby's rise in activity level means she's ready to crawl soon!
44. The baby's first signs of a personality are emerging.
45. Putting the baby's clothes away, I'm hit with a wave of nostalgia.
46. The baby's babbling sounds slowly turn into meaningful words.
47. The baby's first loose tooth will eventually make room for an adult one.
48. The baby's first day of daycare was emotional for both of us.
49. The baby's first cold was miserable, with lots of runny noses and coughing.
50. The baby's newborn photos capture the sweetness of those early days.
51. The baby's vaccine schedule ensures protection from dangerous illnesses.
52. I cherish the sweet smell of the baby's head as I hug her close.
53. The baby's footie pajamas kept her warm and cozy at night.
54. The baby's first cold was accompanied by many runny noses and coughing.
55. The baby's new tooth finally broke through the tender gums this week.
56. The baby's first time sitting up unassisted was such an achievement!
57. The baby's sweet baby smell brings back happy memories.
58. I read the baby' bedtime story before turning out the light.
59. The baby's wonderful giggle fills me with joy.
60. The baby's favorite stuffed animal keeps her company at naptime.
Common Phases
1. The baby's first steps
2. The baby's first smile
3. The baby's first laugh
4. The baby's first tooth
5. The baby's first words
6. The baby's first cold
7. The baby's first bath
8. The baby's first birthday
9. The baby's first haircut
10. The baby's tiny hands
11. The baby's sweet smell
12. The baby's first signs
13. The baby's favorite stuffed animal
14. The baby's favorite book
15. The baby's newborn photos
16. The baby's growth spurt
17. The baby's vaccine schedule
18. The baby's first day of daycare
19. The baby's favorite lullaby
20. The baby's beautiful giggles
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