Bailes example sentences

Related (9): dance, party, celebration, festivity, shindig, fiesta, promenade, ball, soiree

"Bailes" Example Sentences

1. I love attending bailes because I always meet new people.
2. The bailes in Mexico are known for their lively music and dancing.
3. My friend's sweet sixteen bailes was a night to remember.
4. The bailes de salón I have taken classes for have improved my dancing skills.
5. I am planning to attend the bailes comunitarios in my hometown this weekend.
6. The bailes de graduación are always the highlight of the high school years.
7. I can't wait to see the traditional bailes folklóricos during my trip to Spain.
8. My older brother is a great dancer and always wins at the bailes de cumbia.
9. The music at the bailes regional mexicano is always upbeat and fun to dance to.
10. I have never been to a bailes de máscaras before, but I am excited to try it out.
11. The bailes populares are attended by people of all ages.
12. I always dress up for the fancy bailes de gala at my workplace.
13. The bailes de tango in Argentina are some of the most romantic dances ever.
14. My niece's bailes de quinceañera was a beautiful celebration of her 15th birthday.
15. I always feel alive and energetic after attending bailes de salsa classes.
16. The bailes veracruzanos involve vibrant music, colorful costumes, and enthusiastic dances.
17. The bailes de danzón are very elegant and sophisticated.
18. The bailes de carnaval are the biggest celebrations in Brazil.
19. The bailes de batalla de gallos are popular among hip hop fans.
20. My grandparents always enjoy attending the bailes de música antigua.
21. The bailes callejeros are impromptu dance parties on the streets.
22. The bailes de tipo eslava are traditional dances from Eastern Europe.
23. The bailes de breakdance require a lot of physical strength and agility.
24. I always wear comfortable shoes to bailes de merengue, as the dances can be very fast-paced.
25. The bailes de flamenco require a lot of passion and precision.
26. The bailes de hip hop often involve acrobatic moves and intricate choreography.
27. I love the bailes de bachata because they are romantic and sensual.
28. The bailes de cha-cha usually have a lot of spins and turns.
29. The bailes de reggaetón involve a lot of hip movements and footwork.
30. The bailes de mambo are very upbeat and energetic.

Common Phases

you want me to provide common phases using the word "bailes" without an instructional sentence?
1. Me gusta bailar bailes latinos.
2. Hay un concurso de bailes en la escuela.
3. Necesito aprender algunos bailes de salón para la boda.
4. Los bailes folclóricos son muy populares en mi país.
5. Vamos a ir al club de bailes esta noche.

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