Ballasting example sentences

Related (5): gravel, weights, stabilizers, sandbags, counterbalance

"Ballasting" Example Sentences

1. The sailors were busy ballasting the ship before departure.
2. The ballasting process was critical for the ship's stability in rough seas.
3. The captain noticed that the ship needed additional ballasting to prevent it from tipping over.
4. The ballasting materials were loaded onto the ship with the help of a crane.
5. The crew worked tirelessly to distribute the ballasting evenly across the ship's hull.
6. The engineers had to adjust the ballasting calculations to account for the weight of the cargo.
7. The ballasting process took longer than expected due to a shortage of materials.
8. The ship's ballasting system was state-of-the-art and highly efficient.
9. The captain relied on his crew's expertise to determine the appropriate ballasting for each voyage.
10. The ship's ballasting tanks had to be emptied and cleaned before each journey.
11. The ballasting operation required a team effort, with everyone pitching in to get the job done.
12. The shipbuilder recommended a specific type of ballasting to ensure the ship remained stable in all conditions.
13. The ballasting of the ship was closely monitored by the port authorities to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
14. The ballasting procedure involved the use of specialized equipment and machinery.
15. The shipyard workers were responsible for installing the ballasting system in the vessel.
16. The captain was pleased with the ballasting, as the ship maintained its stability even in rough waters.
17. The ballasting process was complicated by the ship's unusual shape and size.
18. The ballasting requirements varied depending on the ship's destination and route.
19. The ballasting was done expertly, and the ship sailed smoothly across the ocean.
20. The shipbuilder hired a team of experts to oversee the ballasting process and ensure its success.
21. The ballasting of the ship was carefully calculated to avoid overloading it with weight.
22. The ship's ballasting system was automated, reducing the need for manual labor.
23. The ballasting tanks had to be frequently checked and maintained to prevent leaks.
24. The ship's ballasting procedure was an important part of its routine maintenance.
25. The ballasting materials used on the ship were environmentally friendly and non-toxic.
26. The ballasting of the ship was done in stages, with the weight gradually added until the ship was stable.
27. The ship's ballasting system was designed to be easy to operate and maintain.
28. The ballasting process required strict adherence to safety protocols to prevent accidents.
29. The ship's ballasting system was specifically designed to handle extreme weather conditions.
30. The ballasting of the ship was completed ahead of schedule, thanks to the hard work of the crew.

Common Phases

1. Ballasting is essential for stabilizing ships during rough seas;
2. The process of ballasting involves adding or removing water from the ballast tanks;
3. The crew must carefully monitor the ballast levels to ensure the ship remains balanced;
4. Improper ballasting can lead to dangerous situations such as capsizing or listing;
5. Ballasting is also important for maintaining the ship's trim and steering capabilities.

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