Baronetcy example sentences
Related (3): title, nobility, aristocracy
"Baronetcy" Example Sentences
1. The King awarded the baronetcy to Sir Edward.2. The baronetcy was established in the 17th century by King James I.
3. Lady Catherine was the daughter of a baronet, inheriting her father's baronetcy upon his passing.
4. The cost of purchasing a baronetcy was £1,095 in the 19th century.
5. The baronetcy is the lowest rank of hereditary title in the UK.
6. Sir William's baronetcy was granted for his distinguished military service.
7. The Earl secured a baronetcy for his son, ensuring his family's place in society.
8. The baronetcy was passed down through the male line of the family.
9. The Duke's brother was granted a baronetcy as a consolation prize for not inheriting the title.
10. Sir Charles was awarded a baronetcy in recognition of his philanthropic work.
11. The baronetcy is a form of recognition for outstanding contributions to society.
12. The baronetcy title is inherited by the eldest son upon the father's death.
13. Many of the early baronetcy titles were granted for military or naval service.
14. The King can grant a baronetcy to any individual he deems worthy.
15. The baronetcy conferred a noble status upon the recipient and their family.
16. The list of individuals who held the baronetcy title grew significantly in the 18th century.
17. A baronetcy is considered a lower title than a knighthood.
18. It is rare for a baronetcy to be revoked or taken away once granted.
19. Many baronets were involved in political and social affairs during their time.
20. The baronetcy title can only be passed down to a legitimate male heir.
21. The system of baronetcy titles is unique to the UK.
22. The baronetcy title is distinctive because it is not associated with any particular land or estate.
23. The baronetcy title can be used in conjunction with other titles such as Lord or Earl.
24. The requirement for a baronet to pay for the title was abolished in 1874.
25. The baronetcy title is a hereditary title and cannot be purchased or sold.
26. The baronetcy title is often passed down through several generations of a family.
27. The baronetcy is regarded as a form of aristocracy in the UK.
28. The first baronetcy granted in Ireland was awarded in 1619.
29. Some baronets use the prefix "Sir" in front of their name to indicate their title.
30. The baronetcy title is often associated with a level of privilege and social status in the UK.
Common Phases
you require further assistance?1. The baronetcy was established in the 17th century;
2. He inherited the baronetcy from his father;
3. The baronetcy granted him a title and certain privileges;
4. The baronetcy was passed down through generations of the family;
5. The only way to obtain a baronetcy is by direct inheritance or special royal grant;
6. She married into a family with a baronetcy;
7. The baronetcy can be a symbol of social status and prestige;
8. The baronetcy is a hereditary title;
9. The holder of a baronetcy is addressed as "Sir."
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