Barriere example sentences

Related (10): border, obstacle, barrier, boundary, impediment, obstruction, hurdle, barricade, fence, wall



barrier (noun) · barriers (plural noun) · barrier island (noun) · barrier islands (plural noun)

  - a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access:

  - the starting gate of a racecourse.

  - a gate at a parking lot that controls access by being raised or lowered.

  - a circumstance or obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevents communication or progress:

  - a long narrow island lying parallel and close to the mainland, protecting the mainland from erosion and storms.


fence, railing, barricade, hurdle, bar, blockade, roadblock, fencing, wicket, lychgate, turnstile, port, pylon, obstacle, obstruction, hurdle, bar, block, impediment, hindrance, snag, catch, drawback, hitch, handicap, deterrent, complication, difficulty, problem, disadvantage, balk, curb, check, stop, hiccup, facer, trammel, cumber

"Barriere" Example Sentences

1. The coastal town had a barriere that protected it from the strong waves.
2. The barriere of language proved to be difficult for the new immigrants.
3. The emotional barriere between them was too high to overcome.
4. Some people believe that genetic modification is a barriere to natural selection.
5. The physical barriere of the mountain range made it difficult for the army to cross.
6. The barriere of poverty prevented many talented individuals from achieving their dreams.
7. Despite the language barriere, they managed to communicate effectively.
8. A barriere reef is a natural protective barrier for coastal communities.
9. The barriere of financial restrictions limited the scope of the project.
10. The cultural barriere between the two countries was evident in their different customs.
11. They erected a barriere fence to keep the wild animals from entering their village.
12. Technology has broken down many social and communication barriers (or barriers).
13. The psychological barriere was preventing him from moving forward in his personal and professional life.
14. The barriere of distance made it difficult for them to maintain a long-distance relationship.
15. The political barriere between the two nations made it challenging for trade negotiations.
16. The barriere of fear stopped many students from auditioning for the school play.
17. The barriere of bureaucracy delayed the approval of the project for months.
18. The cultural barriere made it challenging to adapt to the new country's customs and traditions.
19. The barriere of social class created a divide between the rich and the poor.
20. The barriere of mistrust made it difficult for the two parties to reach an agreement.
21. The physical barriere of the wall prevented any unauthorized entry into the building.
22. The language barriere was overcome by the use of a translator.
23. The psychological barriere of personal insecurity was holding her back from pursuing her dreams.
24. The barriere of religion created a divide between the two communities.
25. They needed to break down the barriere of gender inequality in the workplace.
26. The cultural barriere was evident in the different styles of music played by the two bands.
27. The barriere of illness prevented him from participating in the marathon.
28. The barriere of ignorance prevented him from realizing his true potential.
29. The physical barriere of the fence kept the dogs safely inside the yard.
30. The emotional barriere that had grown between them was finally broken down after a heart-to-heart conversation.

Common Phases

1. La barrière est fermée;
2. Nous avons mis en place une barrière de sécurité;
3. Les barrières de la langue ont rendu la communication difficile;
4. La barrière a été percée par les vandales;
5. La barrière naturelle de la montagne était infranchissable;
6. La barrière douanière empêche l'importation de certains produits;
7. Nous avons besoin de construire une barrière pour protéger notre propriété;
8. La barrière psychologique peut parfois être difficile à surmonter;
9. Les barrières architecturales empêchent l'accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées;
10. Les barrières culturelles peuvent entraîner des malentendus dans les relations interculturelles.

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