Barrios example sentences

Related (6): neighborhoods, communities, districts, slums, ghetto, favelas

"Barrios" Example Sentences

1. The barrios of this city are tightly woven and bustling with life.
2. I grew up in the barrios of Juarez, where gangs ruled and danger lurked on every corner.
3. The barrios have a colorful culture, full of music and dance.
4. We visited the barrios of Lima to experience the local food and culture.
5. In some barrios, the streets are so narrow that only bikes and pedestrians can pass through.
6. The government has implemented programs aimed at improving the living conditions in the barrios.
7. The barrios have a rich history of art and literature, despite being overlooked by mainstream society.
8. Growing up in the barrios taught me how to be streetwise and resilient.
9. The barrios are often associated with poverty, but there is also a sense of community and solidarity among residents.
10. In the barrios, it's common for families to share living spaces to save on rent.
11. We organized a charity event to raise funds for the children in the barrios.
12. The barrios of Puerto Rico have a distinct Afro-Caribbean culture that is celebrated through music and dance.
13. Many famous Latino artists and activists grew up in the barrios.
14. The barrios can be dangerous, but there are also pockets of safety and support.
15. Growing up in the barrios, I learned to appreciate the simple joys in life, like spending time with family and friends.
16. The barrios are often subject to police surveillance and harsh treatment, leading to discrimination and mistrust of law enforcement.
17. The youth in the barrios face unique challenges, including lack of access to resources and exposure to violence.
18. The barrios have a strong sense of identity and pride, rooted in their diverse cultural heritage.
19. The barrios are a reminder of the inequalities that persist in our society.
20. Despite the challenges, many people in the barrios have succeeded in breaking the cycle of poverty and achieving their dreams.
21. The barrios are a testament to the resilience and strength of marginalized communities.
22. By investing in education and job training, we can help lift the residents of the barrios out of poverty.
23. The barrios are a vibrant and dynamic part of our city, deserving of recognition and support.
24. Many non-profits and community organizations are dedicated to improving the quality of life in the barrios.
25. The barrios have a deep connection to the land and natural environment that is often overlooked by urban dwellers.
26. By empowering residents to take ownership of their communities, the barrios can become thriving centers of economic and social activity.
27. The barrios are a microcosm of the larger social issues we face as a society.
28. In the barrios, art is not just a form of expression, but a means of survival and resistance.
29. The barrios are home to some of the most hospitable and generous people you will ever meet.
30. To truly understand the barrios, you must listen to and learn from the stories of those who live there.

Common Phases

1. Many people grew up in barrios; they have a strong sense of community.
2. The barrios in this city are known for their vibrant cultural events; people come from all over to attend.
3. Some barrios have experienced gentrification; longtime residents have been forced to move out due to rising costs.
4. The barrios can be seen as a reflection of the city's diversity; each one has its own unique character.
5. Despite facing challenges such as poverty and violence, barrios are often places of resilience and creativity; many artists and activists have come from these communities.
6. The barrios are filled with small businesses and local vendors; supporting these entrepreneurs is important for the local economy.
7. Barrios can be a source of pride and identity for many people; they represent a connection to their roots and heritage.
8. In some cities, barrios have become tourist attractions; visitors can experience the food, music, and art of these vibrant communities.
9. The diversity within the barrios can lead to tensions and conflicts; it's important for residents to work towards understanding and unity.
10. Many barrios have a rich history that stems from migration; understanding this history can help promote empathy and respect within the community.

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