Baseness example sentences

Related (10): vileness, depravity, lowliness, contemptibility, meanness, sordidness, ignobleness, degradation, turpitude, abasement

"Baseness" Example Sentences

1. The baseness of his actions knew no limits.
2. The villain's baseness startled even his longtime allies.
3. The fallen angel's baseness and wickedness matched only his beauty.
4. The serpent's baseness caused him to be cast out of the garden.
5. The true measure of a man's character lies not in his moments of grandeur but in his resistance to temptation and baseness.
6. Let us not stoop to his baseness but rise above it with compassion and wisdom.
7. In his baseness, he could only find joy in the suffering of others.
8. Her baseness brought shame upon her entire family.
9. In their baseness, the thieves had stolen from the poor widow.
10. Despite his baseness, I still saw the good in him that could be redeemed.
11. We must resist the temptation to sink into baseness and pettiness.
12. Their baseness knew no bounds as they spread vicious lies about the innocent girl.
13. Even in the face of his baseness, I chose to respond with kindness and compassion.
14. Baseness begat only more baseness; goodness and light were the only true sources of progress.
15. Her baseness was laid bare for all to see.
16. His sudden display of jealousy and mistrust revealed a baseness within him that pained her.
17. While their intentions were base, we must respond with grace and wisdom.
18. Their very baseness makes them worthy of our pity.
19. The man's baseness unsettled even those who had once admired him.
20. The callousness and baseness of man’s inhumanity toward man knows no bounds.
21. The dark pit of his baseness seemed bottomless.
22. His baseness permeated every action, every word.
23. In their baseness, they sought to blame the innocent victim.
24. Her mercy and compassion seemed to know no bounds, even in the face of man's baseness.
25. The king's sudden change from graciousness to baseness shocked the court.
26. Though his baseness disappointed me, I still believe there is goodness within him.
27. While human nature contains a tendency toward baseness, it also contains the capacity for great good.
28. Baseness begets only more baseness; progress lies in the path of light and wisdom.
29. His very baseness demanded mercy and compassion rather than harsh judgment.
30. In his baseness, purity and truth were foreign concepts.
31. Their petty baseness seemed beneath contempt.
32. Their merciless cruelty and baseness shocked even the most jaded observer.
33. His baseness showed itself in the smallest of gestures and the meanest of whispers.
34. The baseness and cruelty of man knows no bounds, but neither does human compassion.
35. Despite his evident baseness, a part of me still hoped for his redemption.
36. His sudden display of jealousy revealed a baseness within him that painful her.
37. While their intentions were base, we must respond with wisdom and restraint.
38. Their contemptible baseness seemed almost inhuman.
39. His baseness stained even his few moments of generosity and mercy.
40. The villain's apparent pleasure in misery revealed the depth of his baseness.
41. Baseness begat only more baseness; light and wisdom were the only sources of true progress.
42. Their baseness revealed itself in their petty vindictiveness and cruelty.
43. The depth of his baseness appalled even his most loyal followers.
44. His meanness of spirit and baseness of character marked him as unfit for true nobility.
45. Though he fell into baseness, I still believe there is goodness within him that can be redeemed.
46. Her merciful compassion seemed inexhaustible in the face of man's pettiness and baseness.
47. Though mankind is capable of great baseness, we must remember its capacity for great goodness.
48. While human nature contains a tendency towards baseness, it also contains a capacity for great good.
49. The depths of his apparent baseness seeped even into his moments of apparent generosity.
50. The darkest depths of man's baseness seemed bottomless and without end.
51. While man is capable of immense baseness, he is equally capable of great compassion and mercy.
52. Their petty baseness seemed almost inhuman in its disregard for suffering.
53. The true measure of character lies not in one's moments of grandeur but in one's resistance to baseness.
54. Their baseness was laid bare for all to witness.
55. Her compassion seemed boundless in the face of man's capacity for cruelty and baseness.
56. Though he fell into baseness, a part of me still believes in his power to be redeemed.
57. Baseness begat only more darkness; light and compassion sprung only from wisdom and goodness.
58. Their momentary lapse into baseness did not lessen the goodness within them.
59. In their baseness, they found joy only in the suffering of others.
60. Man's capacity for wisdom and compassion far exceeds his capacity for baseness and cruelty.

Common Phases

1. The baseness of human nature
2. The depths of his baseness
3. Baseness begat only more baseness
4. Baseness knows no bounds
5. Lapse into baseness
6. Pit of baseness
7. Revealed a baseness within him
8. Respond with grace, not baseness
9. Rise above his baseness
10. Sink into baseness

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