Basin example sentences

Related (3): sink, bathtub, washbasin

"Basin" Example Sentences

1. We rinsed the dishes in the basin before putting them in the dishwasher.
2. The river flows into the large basin before exiting to the ocean.
3. The potter molded the clay into shapes on the work basin.
4. Rainwater collects in the drainage basin behind the dam.
5. The hand basin was filled with scented soaps and lotions.
6. Sediments accumulate in the basin over geological time.
7. Dust and debris gathered in the shallow recessed basin of the antique table.
8. The Siberian basin contains vast oil and gas fields.
9. The workshop had a large stone slab serving as a basin for mixing plaster.
10. The hotel's marble vanity basins were elegantly designed.
11. The Colorado River drainage basin covers parts of seven U.S. states.
12. She washed her brushes in the ceramic basin filled with turpentine.
13. The hollow depression in the earth's surface forms a drainage basin.
14. The flower seeds were sprinkled over the shallow basin of potting soil.
15. The artesian spring flows into a natural rock basin.
16. River sediments continuously fill in the underlying basin.
17. The lake sits at the bottom of a broad basin formed by glacial scouring.
18. Sediment-laden runoff forms alluvial fans at the edges of the basin.
19. The river drains a vast basin in the mountainous region.
20. Washcloths and hand towels hung on the side of the bathroom basin.
21. The potter formed vases by pinching and coiling the clay in his work basin.
22. The basin contained an assortment of shaving products for the hotel guests.
23. We mixed the concrete in a large plastic basin.
24. Stream channels radiate out from the center of the basin like the ribs of a fan.
25. The geomorphological basin was formed by the movement of tectonic plates.
26. Pollution builds up over time in the stagnant basin.
27. Water in the basin has a longer residence time.
28. Dust collected in the depression in the stone floor that served as a basin.
29. The garden basin was filled with colorful koi.
30. The Himalayan basin contains the headwaters of several major Asian rivers.
31. The continents slide into the spreading mid-ocean basin.
32. Adjacent mountain ranges form the rim of the broad sedimentary basin.
33. The natural basin serves as a reservoir to collect rainfall.
34. Sediment cores provide a geological record in the basin's history.
35. The pan pits in the metal surface served as small basins to catch beads of solder.
36. The wooden sluice box had a recessed basin to trap gold particles.
37. The marble basin was built into the wall for washing hands.
38. The small towns dotting the fertile basin rely on agricultural industry.
39. The hand basin was embedded in the granite countertop.
40. The inland sea occupied an epicontinental basin during the Cretaceous period.
41. The porcelain wash basin was paired with a Victorian-style sink stand.
42. The Great Basin covers most of Nevada and parts of surrounding states.
43. We used the stone sink basin to mix mud for pottery projects.
44. The slurry was pumped into the settling basin to allow particles to fall out of suspension.
45. The broad depression collects water draining from surrounding hillslopes.
46. Water levels slowly rise and fall in the closed drainage basin with no outlet.
47. The fault-bounded basin traps sediments eroding from surrounding highlands.
48. The wash basin in the old farmhouse had an iron stand and ceramic bowl.
49. Waste water drains into the treatment basins before being released into a waterway.
50. The antelope herd emerged from the shelter of the wooded basin at dawn.
51. The recessed stone basin was built into the wall as an architectural feature.
52. The styrene beads were mixed in a large plastic tub serving as a basin.
53. The sink basin was drained and scrubbed after preparing the Thanksgiving turkey.
54. The oil and gas deposits accumulated in structural and stratigraphic traps within the basin.
55. The river has incised a deep channel into the soft sediments of the structural basin over time.
56. She wet a washcloth in the stone basin and washed her face.
57. Oil seeps indicate the presence of hydrocarbon reservoirs within the geological basin.
58. Groundwater accumulates in aquifers within the structural and geomorphological basin.
59. The basin and range province consists of a series of fault block mountain ranges separated by sediment-filled basins.
60. The depression in the earth's surface collects runoff from surrounding higher ground.

Common Phases

1. Drainage basin - An area of land where precipitation collects and drains off into a common outlet, such as into a river, lake, or reservoir.
2. Sedimentary basin - A structural depression in the Earth's crust where sediments, like sand and mud, accumulate over geologic time.
3. Wash basin - A small sink or basin, typically with one faucet, used for washing hands and faces.
4. River basin - The entire area that drains into a river and its tributaries.
5. Oil basin - An area rich in deposits of petroleum and natural gas.
6. Catchment basin - Synonymous with a drainage basin, referring to the area that collects and drains precipitation.
7. Structural basin - A geological depression or low area caused by faults or folds.
8. Alluvial basin - A low-lying area filled with sediment deposited by flowing water, like a river or stream.
9. Seismic basin - An area where underlying rock layers can vibrate or amplify seismic waves, like during an earthquake.
10. Crustal basin - A depression in the earth's crust caused by tectonic or volcanic activity.

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