Bathroom example sentences

Related (5): toilet, sink, shower, bathtub, mirror

"Bathroom" Example Sentences

1. I need to use the bathroom.
2. The bathroom was small but clean.
3. There were clean towels in the bathroom cabinet.
4. He took a quick bathroom break during the meeting.
5. The bathroom lightbulb needs to be changed.
6. The master bathroom has his and hers sinks.
7. There's a tub and a shower stall in the guest bathroom.
8. The bathroom faucet was leaking.
9. The hallway bathroom was out of order.
10. The plants needed watering in the powder room.
11. The toilet paper roll in the bathroom was empty.
12. Someone flooded the airplane bathroom.
13. She forgot her toothbrush in the hotel bathroom.
14. The kids were playing in the bathroom again.
15. He needed privacy, so he locked himself in the bathroom.
16. The new tile floors look nice in the updated bathroom.
17. There was mold growing in between the bathroom tiles.
18. There was a bathroom fan but it didn't work.
19. The bathroom mirror was fogged from the hot shower.
20. She applied her makeup in front of the bathroom mirror.
21. There is no air freshener in the public bathroom.
22. The kids were arguing over who gets to use the bathroom first.
23. He accidentally left his wallet in the restaurant bathroom.
24. There was a slow leak under the bathroom sink.
25. The bathroom window was stuck and would not open.
26. The bathroom rug was damp from someone tracking water.
27. I peeked under the door to see if the bathroom was occupied.
28. She checked under the sink in the bathroom for cleaning supplies.
29. The children's bathroom had a small tub and step stool.
30. There were no hooks or shelves in the cramped airplane bathroom.
31. I need to charge my phone while I'm in the bathroom.
32. The bathroom sink was clogged with hair.
33. The bathroom scale showed a disappointing number.
34. Soap scum covered the walls of the shower in the main floor bathroom.
35. We keep spare rolls of toilet paper stored in the bathroom closet.
36. The bathroom door doesn't close properly and needs to be fixed.
37. The master bathroom has his and hers closets.
38. I need to put air freshener in the boy's bathroom.
39. Someone left the water running in the downstairs bathroom.
40. The kids left toys all over the floor of the kids bathroom.
41. The bathroom exhaust fan made a loud clunking noise when turned on.
42. The grout between the tiles needed to be cleaned in the shower.
43. Someone forgot to flush the toilet in the public bathroom.
44. There was no hand soap left in the dispenser in the staff bathroom.
45. The airplane bathroom seemed to get smaller each time I used it.
46. The bath mat needed to be replaced in the master bathroom.
47. The children left their dirty clothes on the floor of the bathroom.
48. They forgot to put the lid down on the toilet in the basement bathroom.
49. I found a spider in the corner of the shower in the guest bathroom.
50. We need to paint the walls in the hallway bathroom.
51. The temperature gauge in the shower needed adjusting in the upstairs bathroom.
52. I need to pick up new bath mats for all the bathrooms.
53. Please bring extra toilet paper rolls to stock the cabin bathroom.
54. The drain was clogged in the hall bathroom.
55. Someone accidentally flushed something they shouldn't have in the office bathroom.
56. Steam covered the mirror in the main floor bathroom after our showers.
57. There is mold growing along the edge of the tub in the guest bathroom.
58. The kids made a mess in the kids bathroom again.
59. We need to buy new hand towels for the powder room.
60. The floor of the children's bathroom was always wet.

Common Phases

1. I'm going to the bathroom.
2. The bathroom is down the hall to the left.
3. I need to use the bathroom.
4. There's no toilet paper in the bathroom.
5. She was still in the bathroom when I left for work.
6. The bathroom lightbulb needs to be replaced.
7. The bathroom sink is clogged.
8. The bathroom floor is wet. Someone spilled water.
9. I cleaned the bathroom this morning.
10. Let's redecorate the bathroom.
11. They renovated their bathroom with a new bathtub and tiles.
12. There was a spider in the bathroom.
13. I forgot my phone in the bathroom.
14. The bathroom door was locked so I had to wait.
15. Grab me a towel from the bathroom, will you?
16. They tried to fix the leaky bathroom faucet themselves.
17. There is mold growing in the bathroom grout.
18. She dropped her contact lens in the bathroom sink.
19. I slipped in the bathroom and fell.
20. The bathroom mirror is cracked.
21. Do we have any soap in the bathroom yet?
22. The bathroom shower needs to be unclogged.
23. They just installed a new exhaust fan in the bathroom.
24. I left my book in the bathroom last night.
25. The bathroom countertop needs to be sealed.
26. We need bath mats for the bathroom floor.
27. The bathtub faucet in the bathroom needs fix.
28. Could you grab my phone charger from the bathroom?
29. My towel is still on the bathroom floor.
30. The kids made a mess in the bathroom again.
31. There are water spots on the bathroom walls.
32. She's redecorating the bathroom with seashell-themed decorations.
33. The bathroom window won't close properly.
34. Our bathroom toilet keeps running.
35. The kids are splashing in the bathtub in the bathroom.
36. I left my pants on the closed toilet seat in the bathroom.
37. The bathroom cabinets need to be repainted.
38. They staged an intervention for her in the bathroom.
39. She fell asleep in the bathtub in the bathroom last night.
40. Our bathroom has mold growing in the shower stall.
41. There are cobwebs in the corners of the bathroom ceiling.
42. Don't forget to wipe down the bathroom counter after use.
43. The smoke detector in the bathroom needs a new battery.
44. We need a new shower curtain for the bathroom.
45. I couldn't find any Q-Tips in the bathroom cabinet.
46. Remind me to clean the bathroom grout this weekend.
47. The caulking between the tub and tiles is cracking in our bathroom.
48. Our bathroom needs an update with new tile and fixtures.
49. The flash flood flooded our basement and bathroom.
50. There was a huge spider in the bathroom yesterday!
51. I forgot to buy bathroom cleaner when I was at the store.
52. The mop was still leaning against the tub in the bathroom.
53. Please remove your dirty clothes from the bathroom floor.
54. Come look at this caterpillar I found on the bathroom wall!
55. Wait, I left my toothbrush in the bathroom.
56. Be sure to thoroughly clean the bathroom after your shower.
57. I painted the bathroom walls a light aqua color.
58. There's still a towel on the bathroom radiator.
59. The bathroom tile needs to be regrouted.
60. Check if we still have soap in the bathroom before I buy more.

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