Bearer example sentences

Related (6): Bearer, courier, messenger, carrier, conveyor, transporter



bearer (noun) · bearers (plural noun)

  - a person or thing that carries or holds something:

  - a carrier of equipment on an expedition.

  - a person who carries the coffin at a funeral; pall-bearer.

  - a person who presents a check or other order to pay money:

  - payable to the possessor:


messenger, agent, conveyor, emissary, carrier, provider, runner, courier, carrier, porter, conveyor, transporter, holder, possessor, owner, payee, consignee, beneficiary

"Bearer" Example Sentences

1. He was the bearer of good news.
2. The flag bearer led the parade.
3. The torch bearer carried the Olympic flame.
4. She was the bearer of tragic tidings.
5. I am the bearer of an important message.
6. He was the unwilling bearer of bad news.
7. She bore the burden of responsibility.
8. I cannot be the bearer of such dire news.
9. The pall bearers carried the casket.
10. The key bearer opened the locked vault.
11. She bore the news calmly and stoically.
12. I am the bearer of glad tidings today.
13. The diplomat was the bearer of an olive branch.
14. The memento bearer carried the sacred relics.
15. He bore the weight of the world on his shoulders.
16. The steward bore the cup of wine to the king.
17. She bore the fruit of her labor proudly.
18. The staff bearer carried the official rod of office.
19. He bore the marks of his ordeal on his body.
20. I brought you this flower as a humble bearer of goodwill.
21. The crown bearer carried the royal scepter and orb.
22. The cross bearer led the solemn procession.
23. The wounded soldier bore his injuries bravely.
24. The certificate bearer presented the official documents.
25. She bore the signs of hardship in her wrinkled face.
26. He was the reluctant bearer of painful tidings.
27. They bore the scars of battle on their uniforms.
28. She bore herself with grace and dignity.
29. She bore the sorrow with quiet resolution.
30. The envoy was the bearer of an olive branch.
31. The standard bearer marched proudly at the head of the parade.
32. He could bear the weight no longer and collapsed in a heap.
33. The peace envoy was the bearer of an important message.
34. She bore the loss with dignity and courage.
35. The bearer of ill tidings was met with anger and hostility.
36. The flag bearer marched proudly at the head of the parade.
37. The weary traveler bore the marks of his long journey.
38. The sign bearer held up the large advertisement in the parade.
39. The proud parent bore the gift given by their child.
40. The manuscript bearer brought the long lost scroll.
41. She bore the fruit of nine months' labor with joy.
42. The injured man bore the scars of battle for life.
43. He bore the title of count with distinction and dignity.
44. The standard bearer marched at the head of the color guard.
45. She bore the hurt in silence for too long.
46. The injured soldier bore the physical and mental scars of war.
47. The standard bearer carried the flag proudly into battle.
48. He bore the weight of responsibility with grace and wisdom.
49. The champion bore his trophy high above his head.
50. The weary traveler still bore up well despite his long journey.
51. The honored veteran bore his medals proudly on his lapel.
52. The torch bearer carried the Olympic flame proudly.
53. The pall bearers bore the casket slowly into the church.
54. The grizzled warrior bore the scars of many battles.
55. The cross bearer carried the symbol of their faith into the arena.
56. The ambassador was the bearer of good news from his country.
57. The key bearer unlocked the doors to freedom.
58. The wounded soldier bore the scars of his injury for a lifetime.
59. She bore the message of hope to the weary travelers.
60. The envoy was the bearer of an important peace treaty.

Common Phases

1. The document is invalid without the official seal of the bearer.
2. The bearer must proceed through security check before boarding.
3. The passport was given to the bearer of the letter of authority.
4. Please grant access to the bearer of this note.
5. The parcel may only be handed over to its designated bearer.
6. Are you the rightful bearer of this summons?
7. Only the lawful bearer may be granted asylum.
8. This key is entrusted to the bearer for safekeeping.
9. The invitation is only valid when accompanied by its named bearer.
10. The letter will be delivered only to its designated bearer.
11. The library card is the property of its bearer and may not be transferred.
12. I am the rightful bearer of this lottery ticket.
13. They searched the bearer of bad news upon arrival.
14. Only the true bearer of the ring will be given passage.
15. The token is meant for the eyes of its rightful bearer alone.
16. The heirloom belongs solely to the truest bearer of the bloodline.
17. The messenger was threatened for bearing bad news.
18. Customs inspected every passenger and luggage bearer upon entry.
19. The royal insignia bore witness to the true king's bearer.
20. The burden of bearing sad tidings weighed heavy on the messenger.
21. The seal on the letter authenticated it as its bearer's creation.
22. The bearer of gifts was met with suspicion and doubt.
23. The badge identified its bearer as an official member.
24. The diplomat bore an important missive for the head of state.
25. I entrust this duty to no bearer but yourself.
26. The badge is property of its authorized bearer.
27.You are now the designated bearer of this torch.
28. They searched every car and its bearer entering the base.
29. The artifact revealed its secrets only to its rightful bearer.
30. My most trusted friend shall be the bearer of this news.
31. This parcel must only be opened by its designated bearer.
32. The sign identified the bearer as an accredited official.
33. The invitation stated that it was valid for the named bearer only.
34. Clear the bearer for entry into the secure area.
35. The flag bearer led the procession proudly.
36. The flower girl and ring bearer performed their roles perfectly.
37. She bore the brunt of the criticism with dignity.
38. The banknote bearer handed it over for examination.
39. Nobody wanted to be the bearer of such awful news.
40. Only the true king could lift the sword from its stone and thus prove himself the rightful bearer.
41. The message bearer ran swiftly through the night.
42. The bearer must sign the delivery slip to accept the package.
43. The monarch identified the ring's rightful bearer as his successor.
44. The idol bore familiar signs to its intended bearer.
45. You must accept me as the lawful bearer of this crest.
46. The drafter of the document shall be its rightful bearer.
47. The good news buoyed the spirits of its bearer.
48. I shall be the chosen bearer of your final wishes.
49. He bore the weight of responsibility with grace.
50. Only the true heir shall find use for the gift in the hands of its rightful bearer.
51. The medal signified the honor of its bearer.
52. The courier bore confidential correspondence.
53. The amulet revealed its power only in the hands of its true bearer.
54. The torch must be passed to the next worthy bearer.
55. The badge signified the rank of its bearer.
56. The flag bearer took up the standard proudly.
57. The invitation demanded the presence of its named bearer.
58. Clear that bearer for access through the gate.
59. The messenger bore ill tidings.
60. The warrant identifies the bearer as an authorized agent of the court.

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