Beckets example sentences

Related (5): ropes, pulleys, rigging, cranes, hoists

"Beckets" Example Sentences

1. The beckets on the sailboat were designed to keep the sails in place.
2. The sailor had to adjust the beckets to make sure the mainsail was properly secured.
3. The captain inspected the beckets before setting sail.
4. The beckets were made of strong nylon rope.
5. The crew worked together to attach the beckets to the sails.
6. The beckets prevented the sail from flapping in the wind.
7. The sailor tied a knot in the beckets to secure the sail.
8. The beckets on the jib needed to be replaced because they were frayed.
9. The skipper demonstrated how to properly tie the beckets.
10. The beckets on the boat's rigging were in need of repair.
11. The sailor untied the beckets to lower the sail.
12. The crew member grabbed onto the beckets to hoist himself up the mast.
13. The skipper instructed the crew to check the beckets before starting the race.
14. The beckets were crucial to the boat's speed and performance.
15. The sailor carefully coiled the excess line from the beckets.
16. The beckets on the dinghy needed to be adjusted for the upcoming regatta.
17. The crew member held onto the beckets to keep from falling overboard.
18. The skipper asked the crew to double-check the beckets before anchoring.
19. The beckets on the boat's boom needed to be tightened.
20. The sailor threaded the line through the beckets to hoist the spinnaker.
21. The beckets on the mainsail were getting tangled.
22. The crew member used the beckets to climb up to the spreader.
23. The skipper emphasized the importance of proper beckets settings.
24. The sailor considered upgrading to stronger beckets for more extreme sailing conditions.
25. The beckets on the genoa were perfectly aligned.
26. The crew member had trouble untying the beckets.
27. The skipper praised the crew for their efficient use of the beckets.
28. The sailor secured the end of the line to the beckets to prevent it from flying loose.
29. The beckets on the spinnaker needed to be loosened to get the boat moving faster.
30. The crew member noticed a knot in the beckets and quickly untangled it.

Common Phases

1. The beckets on the sail were tightly secured; we were ready for a smooth ride.
2. He tugged at the beckets until they were properly aligned; it was a tedious task.
3. The beckets were frayed and worn; we needed to replace them before setting sail.
4. She tied the rope to the beckets; the boat was now secure to the dock.
5. The old beckets were difficult to loosen; my fingers were sore from trying.
6. The crew quickly adjusted the beckets as the wind picked up; we needed to stay on course.
7. The beckets were coated in salt from the ocean; they needed a good cleaning.
8. The beckets creaked as the sail was hoisted; we were finally on our way.
9. He double-checked the beckets before we set sail; safety was our top priority.
10. The beckets were so tight that the sail couldn't furl properly; we needed to readjust.

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