Becquerelafter example sentences

Related (7): Becquerel, radioactivity, radiation, uranium, atomic, nuclear, half-life

"Becquerelafter" Example Sentences

1. The radiation detected in the area was measured in becquerels.
2. The amount of becquerels found was far higher than expected.
3. The becquerel readings were taken before and after the incident.
4. Becquerels were detected in the water supply after the accident.
5. The becquerel levels were monitored for weeks after the incident.
6. Scientists were concerned about the high levels of becquerels.
7. The becquerel readings were taken in the surrounding area.
8. The becquerel levels had increased significantly after the incident.
9. The becquerel readings showed an alarming rise in radiation.
10. The becquerel readings were taken to determine the extent of contamination.
11. The becquerel levels had to be monitored to ensure safety.
12. The becquerel readings were taken to assess the level of contamination.
13. The becquerel levels had to be carefully monitored after the incident.
14. The becquerel readings were compared to the levels before the incident.
15. The becquerel levels had to be constantly monitored in the area.
16. The becquerel readings were taken to determine the amount of contamination.
17. The becquerel levels had to be checked regularly after the incident.
18. The becquerel readings indicated a high level of radiation in the area.
19. The becquerel levels had to be monitored closely to ensure safety.
20. The becquerel readings were used to determine the level of contamination.
21. Becquerels were detected in the soil after the accident had occurred.
22. The becquerel levels had to be monitored closely to prevent any harm.
23. The becquerel readings were taken to see if the contamination had spread.
24. The becquerel levels had to be checked frequently to ensure safety.
25. The becquerel readings indicated a dangerous level of radiation in the area.
26. Becquerels were detected in the air after the nuclear accident had occurred.
27. The becquerel levels had to be monitored carefully to prevent any harm.
28. The becquerel readings were taken to measure the extent of contamination.
29. The becquerel levels had to be checked regularly to maintain safety.
30. The becquerel readings indicated a high level of radiation had been released.
31. Becquerels were detected in the soil samples taken after the incident.
32. The becquerel levels had to be monitored closely to determine the extent of contamination.
33. The becquerel readings were compared to the levels taken before the incident.
34. The becquerel levels had to be monitored continuously to ensure safety.
35. The becquerel readings indicated a significant increase in radiation in the area.
36. Becquerels were found in the water supply after the nuclear accident had occurred.
37. The becquerel levels had to be checked regularly to identify any changes.
38. The becquerel readings were taken to see if the contamination had increased.
39. The becquerel levels had to be monitored carefully to identify any changes.
40. The becquerel readings indicated a potentially dangerous level of radiation.

Common Phases

Becquerel; Becquerel per second; Becquerel per kilogram; Becquerel per cubic meter; Becquerel per square meter; Becquerel per hour; Becquerel per liter

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