Bedriddenness example sentences

Related (8): immobility, confinement, incapacitation, dependence, helplessness, prostration, invalidism, affliction

"Bedriddenness" Example Sentences

1. He had reached a state of complete bedriddenness.
2. Her bedriddenness had left her feeling depressed.
3. The degree of his bedriddenness was shocking.
4. The doctor noted a significant increase in bedriddenness among the elderly population.
5. Her bedriddenness meant that she required constant care.
6. His bedriddenness had forced him to miss out on many important events.
7. We were all concerned about his bedriddenness and hoped for a quick recovery.
8. Her bedriddenness had a profound effect on her mental health.
9. The family was struggling to cope with their father's increasing bedriddenness.
10. His bedriddenness meant that he was unable to work and support his family.
11. The nurse noted a slight improvement in the patient's bedriddenness.
12. His bedriddenness was a result of a chronic illness that had no cure.
13. The extent of her bedriddenness had shocked everyone who knew her.
14. The caretaker was exhausted from dealing with the patient's bedriddenness.
15. It was difficult to witness the degree of his bedriddenness and not feel helpless.
16. The doctor prescribed medication to alleviate the patient's bedriddenness.
17. Her bedriddenness had caused her to develop bedsores and other complications.
18. The family hoped that their mother's bedriddenness would not become permanent.
19. His bedriddenness prevented him from enjoying his hobbies and passions.
20. The degree of his bedriddenness required him to be on a ventilator.
21. The nurse monitored the patient's bedriddenness and provided updates to the doctor.
22. Her bedriddenness had taken a toll on her relationships with friends and family.
23. The family had to make adjustments to their home to accommodate the patient's bedriddenness.
24. His bedriddenness had made him realize the fragility of life.
25. The patient's bedriddenness had resulted in a loss of muscle mass and strength.
26. The extent of her bedriddenness required 24-hour care.
27. The family struggled with the emotional and financial burdens of their mother's bedriddenness.
28. His bedriddenness had left him isolated and disconnected from the world.
29. The doctor advised the family on ways to improve the patient's bedriddenness.
30. It was heartbreaking to see her bedriddenness and be unable to do anything to help.

Common Phases

1. Due to bedriddenness, she was unable to attend her best friend's wedding; it was a difficult decision to make.
2. He had to quit his job due to his bedriddenness; it was a big blow to his finances.
3. The doctor recommended bedrest due to her bedriddenness; it was the only way to recover from her illness.
4. His family had to hire a caregiver to attend to his needs during his bedriddenness; it was a tough time for everyone involved.
5. She missed out on many important events due to her bedriddenness; it took a toll on her mental health.

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