Beelineverb example sentences

Related (5): rush, sprint, dash, dart, hasten

"Beelineverb" Example Sentences

1. I made a beeline for the door as soon as the meeting ended.
2. The dog saw the squirrel and made a beeline for the tree.
3. I always make a beeline for the ice cream truck when it comes by.
4. The children made a beeline for the playground as soon as they arrived at the park.
5. The horse made a beeline for the fence, trying to escape from the pen.
6. We made a beeline for the beach as soon as we got to the resort.
7. As soon as the store opened, the shoppers made a beeline to the sale section.
8. The cat made a beeline for the warm spot in the sun on the carpet.
9. The runner made a beeline for the finish line, pushing himself to the limit.
10. As soon as the bell rang, the students made a beeline for the door.
11. I made a beeline for the snack table at the party and loaded up my plate.
12. The bird made a beeline for the bird feeder as soon as it was filled with seeds.
13. The car made a beeline for the parking spot near the entrance of the mall.
14. The soccer player made a beeline for the goal, dribbling past the defenders.
15. The child made a beeline for his mother, running into her arms.
16. The cyclist made a beeline for the top of the hill, determined to finish the race.
17. The hiker made a beeline for the summit, determined to reach the top.
18. The detective made a beeline for the suspect, interrogating him relentlessly.
19. The train made a beeline for the next station, picking up speed.
20. The truck made a beeline for the loading dock, ready to drop off its cargo.
21. The boat made a beeline for the harbor, cruising across the water.
22. The plane made a beeline for the runway, ready for takeoff.
23. The quarterback made a beeline for the end zone, dodging the defenders.
24. The chef made a beeline for the kitchen, whipping up a delicious meal.
25. The singer made a beeline for the stage, ready to perform.
26. The writer made a beeline for the library, looking for research materials.
27. The artist made a beeline for the canvas, ready to create.
28. The surgeon made a beeline for the operating room, preparing for the surgery.
29. The lawyer made a beeline for the courthouse, ready to argue his case.
30. The actor made a beeline for the set, ready to film his scene.

Common Phases

1. She beelined towards the exit; 2. He beelined to the buffet table; 3. The dog beelined for the yard; 4. The tourists beelined to the popular attraction; 5. The students beelined to the library; 6. The salesperson beelined to the customer with the highest purchase potential; 7. The movie fan beelined to get the best seats in the theater.

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