Beggary example sentences

Related (8): poverty, destitution, indigence, penury, pauperism, mendicancy, panhandling, homelessness

"Beggary" Example Sentences

1. He was reduced to beggary after losing his job and savings.
2. The typhoon left many villagers in a state of beggary.
3. The economic downturn drove thousands into poverty and beggary.
4. The bleak conditions of famine, disease and beggary shocked the visitors.
5. After years of mismanagement, the company was on the brink of beggary.
6. The natural disaster threw the village into a state of utter beggary.
7. The tyrannical ruler's oppressive policies pushed his people into beggary.
8. The state of want, destitution and beggary appalled the humanitarian group.
9. The aftermath of the war saw many veterans and their families descend into beggary.
10. The victims of the fraud scheme were left in a state of abject beggary.
11. The tourists were shocked by the scenes of abject poverty and beggary in the slums.
12. The displaced refugees were forced into wandering and beggary.
13. The dictator reduced his political opponents to lives of hardship and beggary.
14. They fought against the systemic injustices that pushed people into lives of beggary.
15. The homeless man's worn clothes and begging bowl symbolized a life of beggary.
16. Lives of misery, disease, destitution and beggary awaited them in the slums.
17. The victims of exploitation were left with no resources except lives of beggary.
18. The outsiders were shocked by the wretched conditions of dirt, disease and beggary.
19. The coup left many of the country's citizens destitute and forced into beggary.
20. The unscrupulous businessman's Ponzi scheme reduced investors to lives of beggary.
21. The economic hardship and misery drove some into lives of begging and beggary.
22. The oppressive regime drove political dissidents into internal exile or beggary.
23. The oppressive landlord reduced peasant farmers to lives of squalor and beggary.
24. The corrupt officials enriched themselves while pushing citizens into want and beggary.
25. The ruthless con artist's tricks left his victims in hopeless beggary.
26. The flood, earthquake and other disasters threw many into abject beggary.
27. Corrupt bosses systematically exploited workers and left many in a state of beggary.
28. The tyrant confiscated property and wealth, throwing political enemies into beggary.
29. The callous officials ignored the suffering and beggary brought on by the pandemic.
30. The refugees fled their ravaged country and wandered in misery and beggary.
31. Their funds were squandered and mismanaged, leaving the charity's clients in beggary.
32. The unjust system bred conditions of misery, oppression and beggary for many citizens.
33. The ruthless conquerors left the defeated population in a state of utter beggary.
34. Begging and beggary became common after the economic sanctions devastated the country.
35. They fought to end the systemic corruption that drove people into lives of destitution and beggary.
36. The depression plunged many hardworking families into beggary and homelessness.
37. The ruined victims of the scheme wandered the streets in rags, reduced to abject beggary.
38. The swindler's victims were left destitute and desperate, facing only a life of beggary.
39. The workers complained of unjust wages that forced them and their families into beggary.
40. The crooked entrepreneur's scheme quickly reduced investors to lives of poverty and beggary.
41. The debtor's prison policy reduced many to a life of beggary.
42. The unjust institutions perpetuated cycles of poverty, hopelessness and beggary for generations.
43. The dishonest official's misappropriation of funds drove many of his people to lives of beggary.
44. Corrupt practices and exploitation reduced many citizens to lives of squalor, disease and beggary.
45. Their resources were wiped away, leaving many desperate elderly to face lives of beggary.
46. Extortion, racketeering and other criminal activities drove honest people into lives of beggary.
47. Confiscation of land, property and wealth reduced many proud laborers to a life of beggary.
48. The victims were left with no recourse except a life of poverty, begging and beggary.
49. Unjust fines and penalties pushed law-abiding citizens into desperation and beggary.
50. The crisis threw thousands of formerly self-sufficient citizens into want and beggary overnight.
51. Their livelihoods were snatched away, leaving no alternative except a life of misery and beggary.
52. The greedy business owners profited while driving their workers into lives of hardship and beggary.
53. The financial swindler bilked investors of their savings, leaving many in abject beggary.
54. The exiles faced lives of wandering and beggary, exiled from their homes and livelihoods.
55. The unjust occupational licensing requirements drove formerly skilled workers into beggary.
56. The Ponzi schemer's victims were left destitute, reduced to wandering and beggary.
57. Unfair incarceration and imprisonment reduced formerly law-abiding citizens to lives of destitution and beggary.
58. Health problems drove the retired laborers into helplessness, poverty and beggary.
59. The victims had their means of support and livelihood snatched away, leaving only wretched beggary.
60.The unjust laws and institutions systematically reduced the minority community to lives of want, illness and beggary.

Common Phases

1. Extreme poverty soon reduced them to beggary.
2. After the stock market crash, many were driven into beggary.
3. The famine left half the population on the brink of beggary.
4. The reckless spending soon brought him to beggary.
5. The drought forced many farmers into beggary.
6. Their business failures eventually led to financial beggary.
7. The flood destroyed their crops, leading to beggary.
8. Beggary stared them in the face during the Great Depression.
9. The economic crisis pushed countless people into beggary.
10. Disease, famine, and war brought beggary to the land.
11. Their plight reduced many of the formerly wealthy to beggary.
12. Centuries of misrule had reduced the once prosperous nation to beggary.
13. The economic sanctions threatened to plunge the country into beggary.
14. Having lost his job and savings, he was brought to the state of beggary.
15. The loss of his business investments had thrown him into utter beggary.
16. Many of the war veterans were reduced to the depths of beggary.
17. War and the ensuing chaos had pushed much of the population into beggary.
18. Extreme poverty and hardship often approached the level of beggary.
19. The hopeless situation brought most people to the brink of beggary.
20. Their lives were reduced to one of hardship and beggary.

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