Behaviour example sentences

Related (12): manners, conduct, demeanor, attitude, actions, habits, protocols, etiquettes, responses, reactions, impulses, instincts.

"Behaviour" Example Sentences

1. The child's disruptive behaviour needs to be addressed.
2. Poor behaviour will not be tolerated in this classroom.
3. The teacher changed her behaviour management strategies.
4. Criminal behaviour is not accepted in civilised society.
5. Advertising often targets irrational consumer behaviour.
6. Parents should model appropriate behaviour for their children.
7. Changes in feeding behaviour can indicate illness.
8. The sociologist studied consumer behaviour trends.
9. Military training focuses on regimented behaviour.
10. Risky behaviour can lead to negative consequences.
11. Unusual animal behaviour may be a sign of distress.
12. Compulsive behaviour is a symptom of OCD.
13. Abnormal behaviour should be evaluated by a mental health professional.
14. Alcohol can cause disinhibited behaviour.
15. Bullying behaviour must be dealt with firmly.
16. Aggressive behaviour can be a result of poor impulse control.
17. Antisocial behaviour often indicates deeper issues.
18. Evolutionary theories seek to explain human behaviour.
19. Harmful behaviour should not be condoned.
20. Polite behaviour reflects good character.
21. His behaviour surprised me.
22. The leader praised good behaviour.
23. She criticized his inappropriate behaviour.
24. Themanager addressed the team's unprofessional behaviour.
25. The study examined cat behaviour.
26. The researchers analysed consumer behaviour data.
27. The psychology course focused on human behaviour.
28. The police officer dealt with disorderly behaviour.
29. Crowd behaviour can turn violent quickly.
30. Their behaviour shocked onlookers.
31. Her helpful behaviour warmed my heart.
32. He explained the animal's strange behaviour.
33. The employer discussed disruptive behaviour with the employee.
34. The warning addressed reckless behaviour.
35. The gossip caused changes in group behaviour.
36. She modelling positive behaviour for her children.
37. The study links sugar consumption to hyperactive behaviour.
38. The aggressive behaviour frightened me.
39. His repetitive behaviour indicated a problem.
40. Social media tends to enable substandard behaviour.
41. The therapy targets disruptive behaviour.
42. The coach corrected poor sportsmanship behaviour.
43. Honest behaviour builds trust.
44. Ruthless behaviour earns resentment.
45. I appreciate her thoughtful behaviour.
46. He disapproved of their rude behaviour.
47. The reward encourages good behaviour.
48. The legislation aims to curb illegal behaviour.
49. Peer pressure can influence risky behaviour.
50. Her sensible behaviour sets a good example.
51. His behaviour surprised and delighted me.
52. The bullying behaviour had to stop.
53. The warning discussed inappropriate behaviour.
54. The review criticized unprofessional behaviour.
55. Emotional behaviour indicates deeper issues.
56. Her positive behaviour made a difference.
57. The therapy targets harmful behaviour.
58. Society must discourage destructive behaviour.
59. Irrational behaviour defies explanation.
60. Good behaviour reflects good character.

Common Phases

1. Altered behaviour - Signs that a person's behaviour has changed.
2. Appropriate behaviour - Behaviour that is considered acceptable in a situation.
3. Bad behaviour - Behaviour that is unacceptable or inappropriate.
4. Challenging behaviour - Behaviour that is viewed as difficult or problematic.
5. Disruptive behaviour - Behaviour that interrupts or disturbs others.
6. Good behaviour - Behaviour that meets expectations and social norms.
7. Improper behaviour - Behaviour that does not meet acceptable standards.
8. Model good behaviour - To demonstrate good behaviour as an example for others.
9. Prosocial behaviour - Behaviour that is positive, helpful and beneficial to others.
10. Punish bad behaviour - To discipline someone for bad behaviour.
11. Reinforce good behaviour - To encourage good behaviour through reward or positive feedback.
12. Risky behaviour - Actions that could potentially lead to negative consequences.
13. Selfish behaviour - Behaviour that shows lack of consideration for others.
14. Strange behaviour - Unusual or inexplicable behaviour.
15. Unacceptable behaviour - Behaviour that is not permitted or tolerated.

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