Beleaguerings example sentences

Related (9): siege, blockade, surround, trap, besiege, encircle, confine, envelop, enclose

"Beleaguerings" Example Sentences

1. The beleaguerings of the enemy forces had the city surrounded.
2. The beleaguerings continued for months, cutting the town off from the rest of the world.
3. The beleaguerings were too much for the citizens to handle.
4. In the middle of the night, the beleaguerings put the entire town on edge.
5. The beleaguerings worsened as the supply lines were cut off.
6. The beleaguerings strained the soldiers' morale.
7. The beleaguerings were unbearable, causing many to flee the city.
8. The beleaguerings were a constant reminder of the war's toll on the city.
9. The beleaguerings were expertly planned by the enemy general.
10. Despite the beleaguerings, the residents refused to surrender.
11. The beleaguerings had destroyed most of the city's infrastructure.
12. The beleaguerings were a testament to the strength of the enemy army.
13. The beleaguerings had left the city in ruins.
14. The beleaguerings had pushed the soldiers to their limits.
15. The beleaguerings had affected everyone in the city, from young to old.
16. The beleaguerings had taken a heavy toll on the city's inhabitants.
17. The beleaguerings had left the city's defenses in shambles.
18. The beleaguerings were a constant reminder of the high cost of war.
19. The beleaguerings had forced the soldiers to ration their supplies.
20. The beleaguerings had affected the mental health of many in the city.
21. The beleaguerings had led to a shortage of medical supplies.
22. The beleaguerings were a never-ending source of stress for the city's defenders.
23. The beleaguerings were a stark reminder of the fragility of life.
24. The beleaguerings had caused the city's government to collapse.
25. The beleaguerings had left the city in a state of perpetual chaos.
26. The beleaguerings had forced the people to live in squalor and filth.
27. The beleaguerings had caused many to turn to black market trading for survival.
28. The beleaguerings had put a strain on the city's already fragile economy.
29. The beleaguerings had caused a spike in crime rates within the city.
30. The beleaguerings had forced the soldiers to work around the clock.
31. The beleaguerings had caused the city's infrastructure to crumble.
32. The beleaguerings had led to a shortage of clean water.
33. The beleaguerings had caused the city's population to dwindle.
34. The beleaguerings had made the city vulnerable to disease outbreaks.
35. The beleaguerings had torn families apart.
36. The beleaguerings had created a sense of hopelessness throughout the city.
37. The beleaguerings had turned the once bustling city into a ghost town.
38. The beleaguerings had made the soldiers question their loyalty to their country.
39. The beleaguerings had robbed the people of their sense of security.
40. The beleaguerings had created a deep sense of despair amongst the city's inhabitants.

Common Phases

1. The beleaguerings of life; the struggles we face daily.
2. The beleaguerings of war; the toll it takes on soldiers and civilians alike.
3. The beleaguerings of addiction; the challenges of recovery.
4. The beleaguerings of poverty; the difficulty of making ends meet.
5. The beleaguerings of illness; the fight for good health.
6. The beleaguerings of discrimination; the battle for equal rights.
7. The beleaguerings of loneliness; the search for companionship.
8. The beleaguerings of parenthood; the joys and difficulties of raising children.
9. The beleaguerings of aging; the changes and challenges that come with time.
10. The beleaguerings of love; the highs and lows of relationships.

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