Bendy example sentences

Related (12): flexible, pliant, elastic, supple, adaptable, malleable, limber, lithe, yielding, ductile, contortionist, serpentine.

"Bendy" Example Sentences

1. She made a bendy straw from the piece of plastic.
2. The bendy road wound through the hills.
3. The snake made bendy S-shaped patterns in the grass.
4. The branch was bendy and flexible.
5. The old garden hose was starting to become very bendy and twisted.
6. The gymnast showed off her bendy flexibility during the routine.
7. The noodles were thin and bendy, perfect for soups and salads.
8. The pretzel's intricate shape made it very bendy.
9. The child bent the bendy plastic straw into different shapes.
10. I drank my juice through the fun bendy straw.
11. The gymnast stretched her bendy limbs before starting the vault.
12. The bendy bannister wrapped around the spiral staircase.
13. The bendy pipe had leaked water all over the floor.
14. She played with the bendy pipe cleaner, twisting it into shapes.
15. The yoga instructor told the class to bend their knees and hips to become more bendy.
16. The reef was filled with bendy seaweed and coral.
17. The training program focused on becoming more flexible and bendy.
18. The girl showed off her ability to bend her legs behind her head and make other bendy poses.
19. The tree branch was old and bent at an odd angle, looking very bendy.
20. He wrapped the wires around the bendy pipe cleaner figure he was making.
21. The bendy plant vine clung to the trellis.
22. The rubber bendy wire made strange springy sounds when flexed.
23. The electrician had a large roll of insulated bendy wire.
24. The bendy metal coat hanger was useless.
25. The bendy metal looked like it had been twisted by a machine.
26. The child loved playing with the clingy rubbery bendy tubes.
27. The chef kneaded the bread dough, making it soft and bendy.
28. As the bendy metal heated up, it became even more pliable.
29. The fresh fallen branch was still green and bendy.
30. The pipe was old and the metal had become thin and bendy over the years.
31. The acrobat contorted her body into unusual bendy poses.
32. His arms and legs bent into a twisty bendy pretzel shape.
33. The roof shingles were old and bendy.
34. After heating the plastic in hot water, she bent it into a bendy shape.
35. The fishing rod had a bendy tip that allowed it to cast further.
36. The scientist heated the glass rod until it became soft and bendy.
37. The artists enjoyed playing with the bendy polymer clay.
38. The write described the gardens bendy vines and climbing roses.
39. She wrapped the bendy ribbon around the gift.
40. The bendy crimped wire allowed for easy assembly.
41. The bat made bendy poses as it hung from the cave ceiling.
42. The toddler loved playing with the flexible bendy toy.
43. The bendy metal had marveled shapes due to long hours in the furnace.
44. The size small yoga pants fit snugly and allowed for maximum bendiness.
45. The celery had become old and bendy in the refrigerator.
46. The bendy lamp shade cast strange shadows on the wall.
47. His fingers wrapped around the old bendy guitar tuning pegs.
48. The lines in the graph followed a random bendy path.
49. The woman described how her spine had become more bendy and flexible over the years of yoga practice.
50. The rusted hinges creaked in bendy protest when she tried to open them.
51. The car tires left long bendy skid marks on the road.
52. The ruler's bendy flexibility allowed it to conform to curved surfaces.
53. The bendy pipe failed due to corrosion and thin aging metal.
54. The protests blocked the bendy country road on the mountainside.
55. I wrapped my arms and legs in a contorted bendy way.
56. She tied the bendy pipe cleaner into the shape of an animal.
57. The origami instructions showed how to make a bendy crane form the paper.
58. The rod's bendy flexibility allowed it to support the extra weight.
59. The linguini noodles were cooked to just the right bendy al dente texture.
60. The antenna rod was thin but still needed to be flexible and bendy.

Common Phases

1. bendy out of shape - upset or annoyed to the point of distorting perceived reality
2. bendy pipe - a pipe that is flexible and can bend
3. bendy straw - a flexible drinking straw
4. bendy wire - insulated flexible wire
5. bendy hose - a flexible garden hose
6. bendy limits - to push the limits of flexibility or compliance
7. bendy ribbon - a ribbon that is flexible and can easily be bent
8. bendy tube - a rubber or plastic flexible tube
9. place in a bendy position - to contort or shape into a bent position
10. become more bendy - to gain flexibility or ability to bend more easily
11. bendy noodles - thin pasta that is flexible and bendable
12. bendy branch - a tree branch that is flexible due to age or type of tree
13. bendy metal -a metal that can easily be shaped when heated or through the metal's alloy
14. bend something into a bendy shape - to form or create a curved or contorted shape
15. bendy plastic - a flexible type of plastic that can be easily bent and manipulated
16. play with bendy things - to occupy oneself with flexible toys, objects, etc.
17. bendy capabilities - the extent to which something can flex or curve
18. maximize bendiness - to utilize flexibility to the greatest degree possible
19. have bendy limbs- to have flexible arms and legs
20. showed off her bendiness - demonstrated her capability of bending and flexing her body

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